Thursday, 31 January 2008

Winter sun / Soleil d'hiver

Dragged by the galoping clouds
The sun escaped from the dark woods
Fell in the water
And drowned.

Soulevé par les nuages fuyants
Le soleil s'arrache aux bois noirs
Tombe à l'eau
Et se noie.


  1. Quelques nuages... pas de mistral!

  2. Nice photo. Love the reflections.
    Here lovely sun. It should be raining, but whatever...

  3. I was just looking yesterday at some of the water bowls I made for birds to use and they must be close to 15 years old now. Anyway, the sky was reflecting in them and made interesting patterns against the mossy bottoms. Your photograph today reminded me of that and is very nice to see on this much larger scale.

    Thank you for visiting my blog today. I appreciate the visit as well as your comments about my work and my past performance (I guess that word works) as a visitor.

  4. Si le soleil se noie, qu'allons-nous devenir?? Il faut peut-être lui apprendre à nager!

  5. Further to your note on my blog you most definitely should be on the CDPB portal - but that is nothing officially to do with me - if you are still on Forum then send a pm to Igor who is man who deals with these things [as well as Eric & Demosthenes] - or it might be easiest to join the forum again with a new ID and then follow the messages about "Join" ing
    A new portal is under beta-testing where it will be easier to add a blog.
    My ATW list though grown out of CDPB is independent of it.

  6. Just for information, I will be posting tomorrow for the City Daily Photo Theme Day.

    Pour info, je posterai demain, 1er février à l'occasion du jour à thème des City Daily Photo.

  7. You capture the BEST reflections! This is gorgeous, and I really enjoyed your comment, it fits beautifully.

  8. The poem and the image fit perfectly. Nice!

  9. Ton po�me,( �crit par toi? Je ne connais pas suffisamment ton blog pour savoir si tu �cris toi m�me ces quelques mots), me font penser � un ha�ku, il va tellement bien avec ta photo...

  10. Elles est très curieuse ta photo. Quelle belle "réflection".
    Je t'invite à manger ! Peut-être es-tu déjà passée !

  11. Annedusud, le poème est bien de moi, en anglais comme en français.

  12. Jolies Refle"X"ions.

    On a presque envie de se joindre au soleil...

    PS: comment fait on pour s'inscrire au theme du jour?je me suis inscrite au CDPB le 5 janvier,peut etre etait ce trop tard?

  13. Ya pas à tortiller, chapeau bas!!!

  14. Hi Nathalie,

    Thanks for commenting so early on the Sydney pic.

    Thanks for commenting today.
    Interesting about the Opera House, isn't it? Here's my take:

    In international terms the OH certainly put Sydney "on the map" architecturally speaking.

    But long before the OH, before Sydney was a self-styled "international city", the Bridge was the classic Sydney icon, and is also the subject of some of our most iconic art works and legends of the 1930s,(Captain de Groot and the opening etc) so maybe it's more ingrained in the Australian psyche?

  15. ton blog devient de plus en plus poetique, j'aime beaucoup. A Paris sous les paves, il y a la plage, je vois qu'a Avignon sous les paves il y a le soleil

  16. ta photo me fait penser au film la lune dans le caniveau

  17. I love your photo and the poem to accompany it Nathalie, especially the "galloping clouds". You have a very artistic heart.

  18. quelle jolie eau forte .....

  19. magnifique photo
    pour moi c'est l'image plus belle du monde a voir la reflexion de larbre de la vie dans l'eau
    peut-etre ca represente la facon indirecte d'apercevoir la vie pleine de reve


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