Friday, 21 March 2008

Grey day

First day of spring yesterday, says the calendar. But spring was not made in one day.

Premier jour du printemps hier, dit le calendrier. Mais le printemps ne s'est pas fait en un jour.


  1. I like your photograph. Nice. I am so anxious for warmer weather to get here and stay a while but more snow is in our forecast.

    Have a nice holiday weekend.

    Abraham Lincoln

  2. Yes, agree with you. According to the calendar, it's spring here but the weather still as cold as winter :)

  3. Superbe !!! bravo !!!

  4. It has been a long time since I was here. This picture is awesome and looks little scary!
    I liked it!
    Istanbul Photo

  5. Finalement ça peut être beau un jour gris.

  6. Premier jour de printemps, et la neige tombe... alors on garde le printemps dans son coeur et on espère des jours meilleurs. Je vous envoie plein de bises

  7. Lovel picture, you have amazing talent, love the color of the sky, what time of the day was this piture taken.

  8. An interesting composition for the tree "pollardist" ;-) the colourist, the cloud scientist and the psychotherapist.

    I have a folder called "Grey Day Shots"....they are all different. Some are special, some downright miserable. Yours, here, is "remarkable" (a word which hides many emotions).

  9. Gray days make the sunny days even more precious!

  10. Et il faut plusieurs jours gris et humides...
    pour que les nuances de vert et de couleurs tendres soient encore plus belles!!
    Ces branches tournées vers le ciel sont pleines d'espoir.
    Bon We prolongé,pas de lundi ferié ici!!

  11. A Marseille aussi, nous avons un sale temps et du mistral...
    Ton arbre est très très beau.

  12. Belle compo et superbe traitement, bien vu et bravo. Bonne soirée

  13. le printemps arrive avec un jour d'avance cette année, c'est pour cela que le temps est en retard, il ne s'y retrouve plus. A tout change, mais c'etait mieux avant ;o)

  14. Your photo is even better than mine! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  15. Beautiful tree, even leafless. Did you play with the colors a little bit in Picasa? On my screen it looks sepia toned, not gray.

    Have a great weekend.

  16. This is a very beautiful photograph, subtle and brooding. The shapes in the thumbnail reminded me of a menorah.

  17. Diantre, quelles couleurs! Tu l'as traitée avec Photoshop?

    Ici, au menu, nous avons: pluie, neige, orages, grele et vent.
    Un grand buffet froid.

    Service à volonté...

    Long live the spring.

  18. A very nice photo and a very nice blog. I enjoyed looking through your last few days of photos.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog; Sitka Daily Photo.

  19. Your grey days are other people's bright ones. This is just gorgeous, Nathalie.

  20. Thanks all for stopping by. For those of you wondering if there was any post processing to this photo, the answer is yes. I used the free software called Photofiltre but I'm sure the same feature exists in Picasa or Photoshop. In the "adjust" menu I clicked on "Swap RGB channels" and my grey-blue sky turned to sepia. It's a fun setting to try!

  21. Très belle photo, Nathalie. Tu araison ! Mais combien de temps va-t-il falloir pour que le printemps s'installe vraiment ? Pour demain, il paraît qu'il va y avoir de la neige ici, neige, vent grêle, cold.
    C'est encore l'hiver; Je pense que mes petits-enfant ne pourront pas chercher leurs oeufs de Pâques dans le jardin. Joyeuses Pâques !

  22. Greetings from very wintry Finland!
    No green buds on your tree, they will be soon green, i suppose.
    We were yesterday evening skiing on the lake and this morning we had -13 degrees Celsius :) So, no spring yet here.

    Happy, warmer Easter weekend to you and your family!

  23. That's a tree with a lot of character. And this winter is building character in us, I think. Let spring come! We still have snow on the ground.

  24. Love the treatment and composition of the very unique tree; it could almost double as a candelabra!

  25. this is really quite stunning Nathalie. Very atmospheric. The sepia sky is just gorgeous. I'm going to try the post processing site. I hadn't heard of it before, so thank you.


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