Sunday, 1 June 2008

My corner shop

Corner rue Bonneterie / rue Artaud The theme day for 1st of June is "my corner shop" but in my case it's a corner pub!
Meet Pub Z's life size zebra posing at the door with his keeper aka bartender. Pub Z is a small music bar open till (very) late that prides itself in its great DJs and selection of techno, funky and rock music. It also serves as a gallery for local artists. Pub Z has been in operation 21 years.
See other corner shops around the world by visiting the theme day page of the City Daily Photo portal, you'll see them all as thumbnails there: 174 cities are participating.

Le thème du mois en ce 1er juin est "l'épicier du coin" mais dans mon cas c'est le bar du coin !
Je vous présente le zèbre du Pub Z, accompagné de son gardien-barman. Restant ouvert tard, Pub Z est un des rendez-vous des noctambules d'Avignon. L'ambiance musicale est assurée par des DJ qui mixent techno, funk ou rock selon les soirs. Le lieu sert aussi de galerie d'exposition à des artistes locaux. Notre zèbre a bon pied bon oeil, il vient de fêter ses 21 ans !
Pour voir d'autres boutiques du coin de la rue dans le monde entier, visitez la page spéciale du portail de City Daily Photo : 174 villes participent, vous y verrez des photos du monde entier.

ign - Pub Z avignon - life in avignon - live in Provence


  1. That's such an original and fun idea for this theme! I like having a peek into the gallery too.

  2. I think that zebra has been sampling the bar's refreshments

  3. Great shot and handsome guy :)

  4. Curieux Nathalie ! Chez moi aussi c'est un bar.
    Je viens de lire ton post d'hier, c'est la réflexion que mon Chéri a faite, : "c'est peut être aussi bien, car être marié à un type comme cela, c'était le malheur à l'avance". On est bien d'accord avec toi.

  5. This is the neatest (is that a word) corner store I have seen and the mascot doesn't hurt either. Nice post.

  6. For a moment I thought that you are in Africa! Good one! Love the Zebra!

  7. Will definitely check out Le Zebre next time in Avignon. Nice shot of the zebra and his owner!

  8. LOVE the zebra! Great portrait of the bartender too!! Looks like a fun place to spend some time.

  9. One would have to consider hopping on the wagon if one thought the zebra was real after a night at the bar. I see we have good taste having both posted bars/pubs!!! nice one.

  10. Funniest corner shop post. I love the Zebra. A pub with, music, and used as
    a gallery for local artists work sounds like my kind of place. An image to make you smile.

  11. Funniest corner shop post. I love the Zebra. A pub with, music, and used as
    a gallery for local artists work sounds like my kind of place. An image to make you smile.

  12. A pub eh? Brilliant! The zebra looks a bit tipsy too :)

    Oh, I made crepes with the flour I bought.

  13. si je comprend bien tu te ravitailles en liquide.

    Il faut dire que le zèbre est trop mignon (pour le barman j'attends des avis plus féminins que le mien

  14. Le barman n'est pas mal non plus (pour répondre au commentaire ci-avant). Your booze supply is just around the corner? Plutôt pratique, ça! Happy Theme Day, Nathalie!

  15. I like the zebra and the club looks nice inside. I would go in for a visit.

  16. Both zebra and his keeper are pretty cute! Sounds like a great pub :)

  17. You caught the owner with the exact slant of his head cocked to one side to fit perfect with the zebra---great shot!!! Hey, this is one corner store that catches my imagination--no wonder why I'd love to live in France!

  18. What a great shot - the bar owner and the zebra are posed the same way. I'm glad he didn't name it the Pink Elephant.

  19. Why Nthalie, you mean I could pick THAT up at YOUR corner shop?!! NICE!!! ;^) You clever photographer, you. Great fun to see your corner pub's mascot and owner. How wonderful to have music nighlife so close at hand. What a flavor of the neighborhood seeing Pub Z gives us.
    Seattle Daily Photo

  20. I love this! Such a great pose! Very clever idea for the theme day!

  21. Zebras are sooooo photogenic! I promise to pop in this bar when I come over to Avignon in the summer holidays!

  22. Corner Pub works for me:) I've never been one for following arbitrary rules anyway. Great choice for theme day!!

  23. It's great to have a place like this to support local artist. We have similar pub (not in the corner) called "Victoria Rose" aka "Vic-Rose".

  24. A corner pub sounds like just the place for me right now. Great shot!

  25. Il a l'air sympa ce bar et puis c'est toujours bien d'avoir des endroits comme ça qui soutiennent les créateurs locaux !

  26. Cool, let's meet up for a beer! ;-)
    Your corner 'pub' shop rocks!

  27. I want one of those zebras for Henry’s room!

    Great entrance!

  28. il aurai pu cabrer un peu plus.. le vendeur- pour le plaisir des correspondances!

  29. That's a big zebra!

    Is it a drunken zebra too :-P

    Happy Theme Day!

  30. sympathique, j'adore ces endroits et je regrette devoir aller a Paris pour en trouver.

    Pour repondre a ton passage sur mon post, on peut discuter avec les vendeurs et vendeuses dans un centre commercial, si si je te le jure ;o) il y a une superbe boulangerie (qui fait son pain), un marchand de fruits et legumes frais, la seule chose que je regrette c'est que la librairie a du fermer pour cause de concurrence.

  31. How often are you relaxing inside your corner pub? Could i find you there if I was passing through?

  32. Drôles de zèbres ! Des faux jumeaux, j'imagine...

  33. They are both so cute. I'd like to visit during the day to see the art. I don't think I'd cope with late, late night techno!

  34. Nice choice for the day and love the photo.


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