Thursday, 14 August 2008

Street market

Pernes les Fontaines
I told you that in August I would take you out of town more often: here's Pernes-les-Fontaines, a cute village about 25 kilometers north-east of Avignon. The name comes from the fourty or so fountains that dot the village. To learn more about Pernes please click here. But in the meantime let's just stop and enjoy the distant views to Mount Ventoux...

Je vous avais dit qu'en août je vous emmènerais plus souvent au vert : nous voici à Pernes-les-Fontaines, un village situé à environ 25 km au nord est d'Avignon. Le nom provient des quelque quarante fontaines en pierre qui parsèment le village. Pour en savoir plus sur Pernes cliquer ici. Maintenant, je vous laisse admirer la vue sur le Mont Ventoux...


  1. Votre prochaine balade... Velleron?
    "Mon" village!

  2. Ah Chriscot, volontiers !
    J'avais entendu parler de son marché du soir depuis des années, j'ai enfin eu l'occasion d'y aller la semaine dernière - mais sans photos, il faisait un mistral effroyable qui faisait voler la poussière - un temps à ne pas mettre un objectif dehors ! Il faudra que j'y retourne...

  3. belle vue du mont Ventoux (je comprends que les cyclistes (et cyclo touristes) en bavent pour le monter.
    Un marché de Provence, mais je ne vois pas les épices que nous chantait Becaud ;o)

  4. J'aime bien ces petits marchés tout en couleurs.
    C'est un village que j'aimerais bien voir, rien que pour toutes ses fontaines. Bon WE du 15 Août Nathalie !

  5. Olivier c'est vrai, il s'agissait là d'un marché du dimanche où l'on vendait plutot des fringues et de l'artisanat. Si je vous emmène à Velleron un jour, vous verrez en revanche un vrai marché paysan.

    Olivier is right, no fruit and veggies or spices on this market. This was a Sunday market dedicated to clothes and arts and crafts.
    Chriscot suggested I take you to Velleron, another village near Avignon where a wonderful farmers' market is held every evening. Local produce for local people, no tourists. I was there about ten days ago but the mistral wind was blowing like hell, sending dust and sand everywhere. Not a time and place for a camera! I'll try and go back soon.

  6. Même sans épices, il y a plein de couleurs.

  7. Hi Nathalie. I just enlarged the second shot in the melon pickers' story post. I think a competitor in the Tour has decided to stray off path, linger longer and smell the roses!

    Tonight for dinner I had some mashed butternut pumpkin with a lovely Turkish blend of spices . MMMMMMMMMMMMM

    Was Felix the Cat Australian?

  8. I would love this market. Scarves and pashminas are my favorites. I think I would want one in every color. The shot of the village gives us a feel for this lovely little town. Wish I could visit.

  9. I love street markets! I'm actually glad my shopping time's too limited because of work. I'd go bankrupt otherwise. ;)

    The second shot is absolutely gorgeous! I'm curious though, does the town have rule specifying the color of the roof tiles? They're all the same and it looks so neat! Manila's would look like a patchwork quilt without a pattern, I think.

  10. Yes Hilda, there are very strict regulations for roofs and walls here. You have to stick to the regional style with traditional canal tiles for the roofs and earth colored tones for the walls.
    The constraints can be frustrating but result is that the villages still look as homogenous as they did centuries ago.

  11. Thanks for taking us along, Nathalie. I love looking at market and like seeing the view, too. That is so interesting about the regulations on building design and materials. No wonder your area looks so charming. I had heard of this in Switzerland, but hadn't thought about it occurring elsewhere.
    And Sally, would you please refrain from making us all hungry with recounting your delicious sounding dinner. . .it's an hour until supper for me! ;_)
    Seattle Daily Photo

  12. magnifique photo.
    Elle ressemble aux peintures de Cézanne.
    merci Nathalie


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