Monday, 1 September 2008

Sister city: Yale

Yale Law School, New Haven, Connecticut USA
No, this isn't Avignon but New Haven, CT.
Each first day of the month is theme day for City Daily Photo bloggers and our theme today is sister cities. Avignon is fortunate to have eight of them: Wetzlar in Germany, Dioubel (Senegal, Africa), Tortosa (Spain), Tarragone (Spain), Colchester (Essex, UK), Sienna (Italy), New Haven (Connecticut, USA) and Guanajuato in Mexico.
Among them all I chose New Haven CT because it is home to the Yale campus (30,000 students). I believe Yale Law School's superb architecture is a good match for Avignon's palatial grandeur, don't you think ? Many thanks to
Anne M. who works at the library there for letting me use her beautiful photos.
To see all other CDP bloggers' photos, please click here.
View from the window of the Popes' Palace in Avignon.
Avignon in photos
Non, aujourd'hui vous n'êtes pas à Avignon mais à New Haven aux Etats-Unis. En ce 1er septembre, journée à thème pour les bloggeurs du réseau City Daily Photo, notre thème du mois est sister cities, villes jumelées. Un jumelage, c’est la rencontre entre deux communes qui entendent s’associer pour confronter leurs problèmes et pour développer entre elles des liens d’amitié de plus en plus étroits ( J. Bareth ).
Avignon a scellé des attaches avec
huit villes du monde : par ordre d'ancienneté, Wetzlar en Allemagne, Dioubel (Sénégal), Tortosa (Espagne), Colchester (Grande-Bretagne), Tarragone (Espagne), Sienne (Italie), New Haven (Connecticut, USA) et Guanajuato (Mexique).
Parmi toutes ces villes j'ai choisi New Haven, à 160 km au nord de New York parce que c'est là que se trouve le célèbre campus de Yale avec ses 30 000 étudiants. Il m'a semblé que l'architecture de la très vénérable Yale Law School seraient à la mesure de celle de notre Palais des Papes. Qu'en pensez-vous ? Merci à
Anne M. qui travaille à la bibliothèque de Yale University de m'avoir autorisé à utiliser ses photos.
Pour voir les photos des autres membres du réseau CDP cliquez ici.

Yale Law Library Reading Room, photo Anne Myers


  1. What beautiful windows! Perfect sister city arrangement to make too.

  2. What a cool place for a sister city and those windows are gorgeous.

  3. Gorgeous photos. So that's what the Yale Library looks like!

  4. le look n"est rien à coté du contenu - soeur prestigieuse !

  5. Après les libations d'hier, une atmosphère bien studieuse aujourd'hui...!

  6. Alice, on se rattrape comme on peut! (est-ce que je me rachèterais une conduite ?)

  7. Well done, O'Sleuth! Tough luck that none of the eight had your counterpart. But you surely have come up trumps with your photo of the Yale Law School Windows. And a thank you from me to Anne Myers for having the grace to liais with you.

  8. I just saw from our comments that you could have used one of my today's photos from Siena. Sorry, but I did not know about the theme! (You can still have one - or two - if you wish!) Anyhow the Yale Library pictures are stunning!

  9. Well done! Any ideas what the images on the panes represent?

  10. voila comment on fait des connaissances grace au theme du mois. La première photo est superbe....

  11. Nathalie, thanks for your comments on my blog; getting here, I saw your photo of Yale and so have to tell you about a Chennai connection!

    The Collegiate School at New Haven, CT, was named after Elihu Yale, who had made a fortune working for the British East India Company, based out of - yes, Chennai!

    It is a small world, after all!!

  12. What a perfect choice for today. The beautiful stone work and those gorgeous windows match so well with Avignon's wonders.

  13. L'université Yale, c'est un prestigieux jumeau ! On en a beaucoup parlé, que cinq présidents des EU en sont issus, qu'il y a plein de prix nobels dans le corps enseignant. Je peux un peu imaginer le campus car nous avons visité Berkeley et Standfort ne Californie.
    Des universités certes, mais des villes où vivre aussi...

  14. Ah, Nathalie, this is perfect. Not only because it is from a sister city of Avignon, but because my dear friend, Jeff, studied law there and it is fun to get to see these settings with which he must be uber familiar. We are having a barbeque tonight, so I'll ask him to take a peek at your blog.
    I bet there are MANY cities around the globe that would love to call beautiful Avignon a sister city!
    Seattle Daily Photo

  15. Ah yes, Yale. Always in the top 3 college rankings in the USA. I knew it would come back to haunt me one day. ;-) I almost attended Yale to work on my PhD but settled for a Midwestern Univ instead. Planned to do graduate work there in English but couldn't swing the Yale tuition (now around $36K) that first year. I'll say this, for Ivy League schools (unlike Harvard) they treated me superbly, but they just couldn't come up with one more graduate scholarship. Nevertheless, perhaps my daughters might show some interest in this univ one day. Glorious campus! Cool photo!

  16. What beautiful windows. Great research as well.

  17. superbe blog, Nathalie. Je te (le) découvre via Victor... et j'adore.
    J'aime que tu aimes le soufle de la vie, et ça se sent.
    Viens donc aujourd'hui dans mes favoris, et à bientôt j'espère sur les blogs.

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