Friday 15 May 2009

The joys of blogging

While this post has nothing to do with Avignon it is fully relevant to the world of blogs. Last weekend I was in Menton with a bunch of friends I made through blogging. If you think this looks like fun, the answer is yes+++. To me blogging is not so much a virtual world than a chance to network with people you would have had little chance to meet otherwise.
From left to right Peter from Paris, Richard from Zurich and Chuckeroon from Richmond-upon-Thames. Click on the links to see their respective views of our great time together. I particularly recommend Peter's extensive coverage of the event.
Below is Jilly, our host. Many of you already know her through her blogs Menton Daily Photo and Monte Carlo Daily Photo. Over the next couple of weeks she will be featuring photos taken by us four guest photographers so please turn to her blogs for more. Thank you Jilly for looking after us so well, I hope we'll do it again!

Si ce billet n'a rien à voir avec Avignon, il concerne la joie de bloguer. Le week-end dernier j'étais à Menton en compagnie d'amis rencontrés à travers le monde des blogs. Si on s'est amusés ? La réponse est oui +++ ! Pour moi le monde des blogs n'est pas virtuel, c'est l'occasion de rencontrer des gens dont je n'aurais sans doute jamais fait la connaissance autrement.
De gauche à droite, Peter de Paris, Richard de Zurich et Chuckeroon de Richmond-upon-Thames (GB). Cliquez sur les liens pour voir leurs photos de nos moments ensemble sur la côte d'azur. Je vous recommande le reportage très complet de Peter !
Ci-dessous une photo de Jilly, notre hôte. Beaucoup d'entre vous la connaissent déjà à travers ses deux blogs Menton Daily Photo et Monte Carlo Daily Photo. Dans les jours qui viennent elle publiera des photos prises par nous quatre, photographes invités. Allez donc voir ! Merci Jilly de nous avoir si bien reçus, j'espère qu'il y aura une prochaine fois !


  1. So all I have to find now is a small village in France, where we can open a gluten free bakery for my wife, I can post daily pictures of that village and join you in this great blissfull life!

    Great, great images.

  2. Oh what fun! Makes most of us wish we could join you for a few days of blogging in the Riviera sunshine!
    Happy Twirls

  3. Sounds like a blast ! You lucky bloggers you !

  4. mais ne suis pas voyageuse, j'ai décidé
    Quand est-ce que tu viens me visiter Nathalie, à la terre des ours polaires?

    Un café chaud vous attend, plusieurs café chaud vous attend et plusieurs rencontres. Pas de longue plage blanche mais mais le chocolat blanc.


  5. What fun! Great meeting of the blogger minds!

  6. I did enjoy the photos of your trip in the other blogs. What fun.Especially the one about the 2,000 year old olive tree climb and this was your time capsule n'est-ce pas?

  7. Une brochette de blogueurs toujours agréable les rencontres réelles

    Beaucoup de kirs de bus

  8. What a fab photo of the guys on the beach, Nathalie. We'll see them on stage soon! Such memories of a super weekend - you are so right, this is what it's all about - friendship - yes, friends we'd never have but for blogging. How fabulous is that! All I can say is thank you to everyone for coming to Menton and please - 'Come back soon' Soon!

    See Richard's Zurich blog today for another super photo of we bloggers.

  9. heureusement qu'il y a un blogger qui tient sur ses deux pattes alors que les deux autres font les rigolos. :-)

  10. un beau Le sirtaki, bravo aux danseurs

  11. C'est super sympa des réunions de bloggers, hein, Nathalie !!!

  12. It never comes to my mind that there's a world outside

    This weekend I'm going to take heart, try to disconnect myself from my notebook (if possible) and look behind what is known as doorstep (or front door).

    I hope you didn`t pull my leg when telling us about the world outside...


    Thanx for that wonderful post, Nathalie!


  13. Looks like you all had a great time and wonderful weather. My blogging world is still pretty virtual (although like most people I did meet Peter!). Maybe I should start the Misanthrope Daily Photo blog!

  14. I agree with everyone`s comments :)and enjoy seeing photos about your cheerful meeting!

    I want to bring greetings from China to you! I have publish some photos on my Aminus3 pages:

    Photos are dusty and over lightened, but they have stories anyway. We had
    a wonderful and interesting trip there.
    Happy weekend to you, Nathalie!

  15. Yes, standing on my to feet I had to support the two cancan dancers!

    Nice shot from an extremely nice weekend in good company! :-)

  16. L'a lair sympa ta pote Jilly... ça se lit sur son visage... et quel bel engin... je parle de l'appareil photo of course !...

    C'est vrai que comme tu dis ce doit être réellement interessant et enrichissant de passer de l'autre côté du miroir, partager avec des personnes qu'on aurait jamais eu l'occasion de rncontrer dans sa vie de tous les jours...! Quel bonheur de vous voir heureux...!

    Ciao, à plus...!

  17. Bonjour Madame - fun and lively photos. Makes me want to network with other CDP bloggers. I just started the EAGAN city photo blog. Warm regards from Minnesota, USA! Merci beaucoup!

  18. Super sympa la rencontre , c'est ce qui ressort des photos :)

  19. And I did that without any special insurance.....

  20. A beautiful shot of your little group of bloggers. It looks like so much fun!

  21. Behold the power of alcohol! HAAAA I am LOL at this threesome. You all did have a ball and it's fun to get to see the action. Wonderful shot of our Jilly doing what she does best!

  22. I like to think of the online world as a big place where like- minds tend to gravitate towards each other. I know it sounds odd to people who have never tried to make friends online, but the vast majority of the time, what you "see" online is exactly what you get. That's why meeting online friends is so much fun, I think. These total strangers you've never seen before in your life can also be at the same time your most intimate, close friends. Go figure.

    Glad you had fun. Sorry for the long winded comment. The picture yells "FUN" so loud, plus I know how much fun it is to meet blogger from the other side of the planets, so I had to throw in my 2 (long) c!

    By the way, you should really hop on a TGV and go to one of Eric's "picnics" in Paris, I think you'd like it a lot!

  23. Hi hi, I knew about this escapade, because a read about the meeting project on Jilly's blog...

    I'm touring (mostly virtually) South France... maybe I'll leave Paris in a couple of years, I'm searching a nice sunny place !

    Btw, nice blog & pics !

  24. That is just beautiful. Look at the landscape behind them. I can't believe those buildings. Where I'm from you only imagine someday being in a place like that. Where the way of life and people are so very much different than you and seem so other worldly and lovely. Just once I'd like to be in a beautiful European quaint little village. Its something you only see in pictures and movies. (As you might guess, I am just discovering this blog and liking it.) Just thought I'd share. It just looks so pretty there and the people look so lively and fun. How do you get architecture like that so colorful and diverse and 'historical looking?' Just fascinating.

  25. huh... love this style


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