Monday, 13 July 2009

Le médecin malgré lui

Place du Palais
Isn't it amazing how face masks can change one's physionomy? The most amazing feature of these masks is the hair (click on the photos to see it better). These two actors were advertising a play by famous actor and playwright Molière (1622-1673) - if Shakespeare had a French equivalent, he would be it. The play, "Le médecin malgré lui" (the reluctant doctor) is a farce about charlatans that twists lies and love into a fun imbroglio. This particular interpretation by the Fox Company was very positively commented from the critic. You can see it at Espace Alya, 31 rue Guillaume Puy, every day at 2:oo pm. Suitable for children from the age of 8.
Espace Alya is an open-air theatre which also offers a shaded courtyard where exhausted festival-goers can take a rest and enjoy a drink or a bite. It also hosts regular events where the public can interact with actors or playwrights.

De ces personnages qui nous invitent à voir Le Médecin Malgré Lui de Molière, j'ai particulièrement aimé les perruques - cliquez sur les photos pour mieux les voir ! Scène de ménage entre Martine et Sganarelle; le mari bat sa femme qui décide de se venger...Cette farce sur les charlatans est jouée par des acteurs marionnettisés. Visages métamorphosés par les masques, têtes étonnamment perruquées, les comédiens bougent avec gaucherie et vivacité et créent une illusion désopilante qui confine au surréalisme. Le médecin malgré lui est joué à l'Espace ALYA, 31 bis rue Guillaume Puy, tous les jours à 14h. Tous les détails ici.
La presse a délivré d'excellentes critiques à ce spectacle joué par la Fox Compagnie.

L'Espace ALYA, géré par des artistes, est conçu comme un village théâtral, convivial et humain: petite pause au calme et à l'ombre dans le parcours des festivaliers. On y a aménagé du temps et des espaces de rencontre entre public et artistes ou auteurs d'un grande diversité. Vous pourrez vous désaltérer ou grignoter avant ou après les spectacles. Le lieu accueille également l'émission de télévision "Festi'Coulisses" à laquelle vous pourrez participer. Un espace à découvrir !


  1. Looks like someone is having fun checking up on all the theatre acts... that is wild looking hair... looks like he was ready to put on a show just for the photographer :-)

    Happy 14th to you Nath !!!

  2. And wow, over 600 followers now... can you imagine if they all left a comment every day ??? Or even two each like some of us faithful folks ?!? :-D

  3. Open air theatre, how wonderful! That hair does indeed look chaotically fab. I'm taking my 2 rugrats to see the stage show Wizard of Oz this week, thats about all the culture I can find here so far.

  4. this is the way actors promoted their plays during Moliere's time several hundred years ago. I find that fascinating. The masks are great.

  5. Very elaborate and beautiful costuming.

  6. I love how you've framed your shots. The colours are gorgeous and the faces, even with the masks,so full of expression and PLAYfulness. The mix of the present with the past makes for a timeless image. The streets seem so full of life. Wonderful to be able to glimpse it through your photos. Merci!

  7. Les masques demi-visages sont d'autant plus intéressants que l'on peut essayer de devenir ce qui se cache derrière le non vu.

  8. Arretez avec votre theatre! Actually, don't stop your theater - it looks fun and entertaining! My family would have loved it - especially if we all spoke FRANCAIS! Merci bien et bonjour d'EAGAN daily photo

  9. Malgré moi… I have not had the time earlier to visit your remarkable last posts! Church, waters (just time to make a wish), cicada (incredible to see it so close) ... and now the actors! Are you seeing a lot of plays?

  10. I'm thoroughly enjoying following your blog, you make virtual travelling so much fun. Have a great week!

  11. ça doit être très drôle!!

  12. Bonjour! Nathalie,
    I agree with you, it's remarkable how a mask can alter a person appearance. What very beautiful photographs that you present here
    at Avignon.

    By the way, Happy! Bastille Day or Fête Nationale. ("National Celebration.")
    DeeDee ;-D

  13. What a fun and wonderful way of advertising a play! We should do that here in Manila…

  14. Wonderful masks. I think wearing a mask might temporarily change my personality...and hey! That might be a very good thing!

  15. chère Nathalie

    I think you have lots of new commentators mingled with the old faithfuls and I am enjoying the mix.
    I love California Girls comment about thisis how plays were advertised during Moliere's times. It gives these plays such a deep sense of history and to be out on the streets performing such a deep sense of history.

    I just find it totally amazing Nathalie, that after having read a Bourgeois Gentil Homme, I can put the book down and say this is the best comedy I have ever read-after modern life has changed so much from the 1500's- the timelessness of good heart AH NON I meant to say art- I can see why.

    Thanks for the last two masterpeices of your work, the macro photography was wonderful and the heart- the sensitivity in the last photo and this one is timeless.

    Merci pour les deux chef d'œuvres.Je voulais vous demander si il y avait des pièces de Molière dans ce festival OFF.


  16. I think the photography adds to the mystery as well.

  17. Hi! I'm masaki.
    I love your photos, especially marriage photos, and found out your
    blog recently.
    Wonderful Masks!
    It looks like smiling, and also crying!
    In Japan, SFX monsters also uses these sort of masks,
    so I was very interested.
    looking for your photo again!!

  18. Their costumes are wonderful, and the face masks seem to give them their personality.

  19. “Vive Lafayette! Vive la Liberté!” Hope you have a wonderful celebration tonight.

    Great masks!

  20. 666 followers... vite, un de plus !
    Les photos de ces artistes sont vraiment superbes par leur qualité !
    Très belle réalisation !

  21. Incroyable ! Je n'ai pas eu l'occasion de les croiser dans les rues encore... ces perruques sont magnifiques et me donnent des idées.

  22. Very nice theatrical portraits Nathalie, and you're right about the characterisation. Different from the Venetian carnival masks - here the mask seems to combine and distort the wearer's personality.


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