Tuesday, 4 August 2009

A faithful portrait?

Place de l'horloge
In Avignon we don't have artists doing tourists' portraits year round like on Place du Tertre in Paris, they only come and set up their easels on Place de l'horloge in summer. But July and August is the time when they're here and they're always a joy to watch. Some attempt faithful (or flattering?) portraits, some are more into caricature. How good do you think the portrait above is? And would you be brave enough to have your caricature made?

A Avignon nous n'avons pas d'artistes prêts à faire le portrait des touristes toute l'année comme sur la place du Tertre à Paris. Ils ne viennent installer leurs chevalets sur la place de l'horloge qu'à la belle saison. Mais juillet-août est l'époque où ils sont là et c'est toujours passionnant à regarder. Certains font des portraits très ressemblants (ou même flatteurs), d'autres font dans la caricature. Que pensez-vous du portrait ci-dessus, le trouvez-vous réussi ? Et seriez-vous prêts à payer pour une caricature de vous ?


  1. Je serais prête à payer pour un joli portrait comme celui de la seconde photo. Ta premier photo est très jolie, Nathalie. Quel beau coup de crayon a le portraitiste ! Bravo aux deux artistes !!!

  2. To be honest - and I guess he has to do it - but he is flattering her a little, making her face look a touch longer and thinner etc. I hope he adds in that heart on the wall at the end though!

    I don't know what people ever do with these portraits afterwards though.

  3. Il y a du bon et du moins bon. J'avais fait faire le mien en 1974... Cela ne nous rajeunit pas, mais certains de ces portraitistes (j'en reconnais) viennent en juillet depuis plus de 35 ans !!!

    Heu... elle est où la place du Tertre à Avignon ?

  4. Avignon - Place du Tertre à Paris, évidemment ! Merci pour la relecture, c'est le problème quand on écrit trop vite, heureusement que tu es là pour faire le correcteur.

  5. Love the photos but I don't think he has captured her at all. The eyes on the right (the one he is working on) look good but in the portrait on the left, she looks far older, he hasn't captured her 'look' her expression at all. Chin is different, face isn't so wide. In reality, she is a pretty young girl, with an innocent yet slightly insolent look - attractive. She is none of those things in the portrait. The girl in the portrait has lived a different life to sitter. There, I've had my say and I can't even draw a teapot! If I could draw like him, I'd be happy but I'm sure to capture a likeness in such a short time must be SO difficult. Portraitists do loads of sketches first, after all.

  6. He looks like a great artist! Too bad the subject isn't making a more pleasant face ;)

    I had my caricature done near la Place du Tertre, it was really funny!

  7. I think I'd rather have a caricature done than a portrait... ahh, vanitas...

  8. beautiful photos. I love your blog!

  9. These are so cool!

  10. tres bon, j´aimerais avoir le mien!

  11. magnifique photo Nathalie-les epressions variés de votre appareil etc......nous avons tout notre propre angle.

    Moi je n'aime pas les caricatures des personnes, cela manque du respect et je ne payerais pas d'être insultée,haha mais je ris à mon propre interprétation, aussi. Il y a beaucoup de gens qui trouve cela le fun....alors c'est fun pour eux...

  12. Devant le centre Pompidou on trouve également de bons caricaturistes qui peuvent négocier le prix ! ! !...;-)))

  13. This guy is pretty good. I would say he knows all about drawing. It looks like he is also using the preferred Willow wood charcoal pencils or sticks. I love this kind of art and with paper stumps you can make anybody look great. My introduction came about in Japan in 1953 when I took a photo of my new wife to the PX and asked the Japanese lady there to make a pencil portrait for me. She did and the rest is history.

  14. Oh! The top image is stunning - the color - B&W contrast, the penetrating (and quite lovely) eyes with no other part of the face except the nose, even the way the light catches the texture of the paper. Superb work.

  15. Superb photographs!;-)
    My favorite one is the top one.

  16. I love the caricature! I had mine done recently at a party and even my grandson recognized me! HA I think it's hard to do really good ones. Can't see the subject but this one is sure to bring a smile!V

  17. je suis toujours prêt pour une caricature et je l'a mettrais en avatar

  18. Agree with most of the above that the faces are a bit different, the one on the paper and the real one. Nevertheless, think that he's a good painter.
    Had a caricature done of me, being 15 years of age...wonder where time has gone...thank you for reminding.

  19. Bonjour! Nathalie,
    "How good do you think the portrait above is?
    Being an artist...I would say that he captured her eyes in the unfinished portrait, but in the completed portrait.Hmmm...I'am not sure?!? (Shrug my shoulders)...And would you be brave enough to have your caricature made?

    Merci, for sharing!
    DeeDee ;-D

  20. Va pour la caricature, peut-être apprendrais-je quelque chose sur moi avant qu'il ne soit trop tard!!!
    Sympa ce post pris sur le vif.

  21. i just keep being drawn back to the artist's rendition of her eyes

  22. My partner is the artist and if we had enough tourists here he would never be short of work. Beautiful images.

  23. i particularly like the caricature at the bottom of the post. i also like the eyes. they are following me.


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