Monday, 1 February 2010

Theme day: wood

Salins de Giraud
Every first day of the month is theme day for bloggers belonging to the City Daily Photo network and today's theme is Wood. Wooden is the picket fence protecting the sand dunes at Piemançon beach where I was last week-end. A 45 minute drive from Avignon through the Camargue, it is one of our closest accesses to the sea. In summer the beach is lined with tents, campervans and caravans over a stretch of more than 2 kilometres but last Sunday under cold grey skies threatening rain there weren't more than a dozen people walking briskly on the beach and certainly none contemplating a swim ! For more wood around the world click here to view thumbnails for all participants.

Le 1er de chaque mois est journée à thème pour les blogueurs du réseau City Daily Photo et le thème du mois est Wood (bois). J'ai choisi les piquets qui protègent la dune de sable de la plage de Piémançon où je suis allée le week-end dernier. A environ 45 minutes de route d'Avignon, les Salins de Giraud au bout de la Camargue sont l'un de nos plus proches accès à la mer. En été la plage est envahie de tentes, de voitures et de caravanes sur plus de deux kilomètres mais dimanche dernier dans le froid et la menace de pluie il ne se trouvait guère plus d'une douzaine de courageux pour marcher d'un pas vif le long de la mer, et certainement aucun pour envisager de se baigner ! Pour voir du bois ailleurs dans le monde cliquez ici pour les photos miniatures de tous les participants.

A crocodile on a Mediterranean beach?
Were you fooled for a second? It's a big log carried ashore by the storm of course!

Un crocodile sur une plage de Méditerranée ? Y avez-vous cru pendant une seconde ?
C'est un gros tronc apporté par la tempête bien sûr.


  1. I've never seen a crocodile on a beach before, Mediterranean or otherwise. Don't you just have to wonder where this log began its journey?

    Happy theme day, Nathalie!

  2. Such beautiful fragility along that stretch of coast, Nathalie.

  3. Chuck the log might well have come from somewhere near Avignon and been carried to sea by the Rhone ! This beach is very near the river mouth.

  4. I bet the hotels near the beach have "off-season" rates at this time of year. Fortunately, in Costa Rica we do not have a cold season, as our water is warm for swimming all year.

  5. Dave - there are no hotels near the beach. It's an amazingly remote location. There is nothing else around than salt marshes and pink flamingoes, it's a natural park where flaura and fauna are protected.

    But it's one of the last places in France where free camping on the beach itself is authorised : no fees, no services, no toilet blocks, no showers, no water, no shops. Anyone who camps there has to be totally self-reliant.

    About a third of it is a nudie beach.

    Of course none of that applies in winter. No camping, no nude bathing - you'd have to be mad! :-)))

  6. le petit froid aux épaules et à l'âme des plages en hiver

  7. i really like the first photo. a very nice image for theme day and remind us that wood is strong but also temporal

  8. The first one looks so serene... I would love to walk there.

  9. Two beautiful images, Nathalie. Seems wilder than I think of when I look at the Mediterranean but then I remember how it is further west. Gorgeous choices.

  10. un beau reflet sur la premiere, et une belle sensation d'abandon sur la deuxieme

  11. J'insiste, vivement les beaux jours !

  12. Je connais tellement ce lieu, que je ne peux même plus le trouver beau...
    D'autant qu'en été, il est insupportable d'affluence et d'eau troublée (de l'humain... ;·)
    Mais en avril ou en octobre, il m'est arrivé d'y plonger dans la mer, et c'est un plaisir !

  13. J'aime cette côte mais pas avant fin août! Septembre est un beau mois également pour de longues balades, éventuellement les pieds dans l'eau.

  14. As you said, perhaps more nudies than crocodiles on this beach! I remember, in 1968, I could drive (at my own risk) along the beaches from Salins de Giraud to Saintes-Maries... Wonderful especially during the off season!

  15. Des piquets de grève... mais où sont les céhéresses ? :-))

  16. I don't like wood, except on your pictures.

    I love your blog, you should come to my restaurant, it's near your place : le Moulin de la Roque

    Hope see you soon !

  17. I'm so glad you got away to the sea and brought us these lovely images. I love that you see a crocodile in the log shape and shared it. So nice to go to the deserted beach with you and enjoy its beauty, fun, and solitude.

  18. . . .and I love the reflection of the fencing!

  19. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh
    c'est beau-l'art minimum.

  20. Oh how did I miss this on theme day? Just gorgeous. The color and everything made me relax and take a deep breath. Stick this in "the drawer" with the others.

  21. Oh do forgive me but....."see ya later alligator"~ :)

  22. Winter has its advantages.
    Or maybe beach-goers were just scared away by the croc. :)


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