Thursday, 1 April 2010

Theme day: Le Red

Each first day of the month is theme day for all bloggers of the City Daily Photo network and today's theme is "red". In Avignon when you refer to "le Red" it can only be one thing : the Red Sky pub located on Place Pie whose outdoor terrace is a major meeting place for young people.

Chaque premier jour du mois est journée à thème pour les blogueurs du réseau City Daily Photo et ce mois-ci le thème est "Red". A Avignon c'est simple, "Le Red" et c'est le Red Sky, un pub de la place Pie dont la terrasse sert de lieu de rendez-vous à tous les moins de vingt ans.
Red also are the booklets of the choir I listened to last week at the conservatory music school. Want to see more reds around the planet? Click here to view thumbnails for all participants

Rouges aussi sont les livrets de la chorale féminine que j'ai entendue lors de l'Apér'concert au conservatoire la semaine dernière. Envie de voir rouge tout autour du monde ?
Cliquez ici pour voir les photos de tous les participants


  1. Oh Nathalie,
    How can I choose? THey are both so perfect for our theme. I'll say again, how I long for us to meet one day and have the time to shoot together. I feel we think alike in many ways, and I also think I could learn so much from you.

  2. l'effet des feuillets de livrets semblant s'envoler est particulierement reussi!

  3. And the lady in red too. Happy Theme Day.

  4. Un rouge qui se pose, un rouge qui s'envole! Bien vu.

  5. I love it! If I were there, I would sit at the Red Sky pub. Your photo gives the perfect feeling of looking in on the intimate moment from nearby.

  6. Hi Nathalie, for some people "seeing red" is not such a good thing... but here I think it's just fine...

  7. Forgot to say, thanks for sharing your story about your mum at the Sydney Modern Art Museum too. Classic. :)
    Sydney - City and Suburbs

  8. ce concert où je n'ai pas pu aller - superbe photo

  9. I thought that you and Jilly had the same idea, until I read about the Red Sky Pub.

    Well done.

  10. preference pour la deuxieme , nous sommes entraines par le mvt de la photo et des chanteurs

  11. Deux très bons choix Nathalie !

  12. Wonderful! I love the red on red in the first photo and am bowled over by the second one. Can't wait for you to come to Menton and give me a lesson! If I had to choose I'd choose the second photo but truly I love both.

  13. Red coat, red doors and Red Sky. A great find.
    Melbourne Daily Photo

  14. La seconde (les livrets dont les feuillets palpitent) est ma préférée.
    La première est un clin d'oeil plein d'ironie au thème. Belle aussi, le rouge et le noir.

  15. Les livrets semble prendre leur essor tels des oiseaux et illustrent par l'image les chants s'envolant des bouches.
    J'aime beaucoup.

  16. Rouge pression...
    Rouge vibration...

    Rouge chansons,
    sans hésitation !

    Et rouge poisson :-))

  17. Hello there, lovely blog:)

    Red is tied with orange as my favourite colour!

  18. Josiane Balasko s'est mise au chant ?

  19. On April 1, 1955, I gave Patty a diamond engagement ring. I took her picture in a red dress. Today, April 1, 2010 is 55 years since that happened. That is my entry for red.

    Brookville Daily Photo.

    I really like your post today for red.

  20. quelle 2 éme :!!
    toute la ferveur de"s chanteur(e)s dans cette photo

  21. I see you caught someone in red at le red. It's a mystery to me how you made the second photo.

  22. Joan Elizabeth, there is no post processing in the second photo apart from some cropping. The key it to it is only a fairly long exposure time (approx 1-2 seconds) and purposely moving your camera during those 2 seconds. About half a dozen attempts were necessary to achieve this shot.

  23. Love the red on red in the top photo and the "art" in the second shot. Good work!

  24. These are both great "red" photos. But I think I prefer the second one. It's something different and the movement is neat.

  25. Love the street name of Pie Place! And how very accommodating of the clientele to be wearing a red coat and have red hair!!

  26. Le rouge, c'est la vie, le sang, la joie, la passion, et des trucs plus terribles encore...
    J'aime bien cette nana attablée à ce bistrot et qui semble causer avec sa copine ! Elle a de belles lunettes noires et boit quoi ?... Un café noir ou ballon de rouge ?...

    Bises Nath !
    A bientôt...:)

    PS : T'es plutôt rouge ou bleue ?

  27. Bonjour! Nathalie,
    Two very nice...photograph
    I like the fact, that the two main colours that stand out in both photographs are brown/black and red.
    Once again, Thanks for sharing the link too!
    DeeDee ;-D

  28. Je ne suis pas encore une vrai avignonaise... je ne connaissais pas le red!

  29. @Madeleine Vedel: Vous ne manquez rien... C'est si sale... dedans!

  30. J'en ai oublié de dire toute la dynamique entrainante de l'image en rouge!!!

  31. Wonderful, the choir photo!


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