Monday, 1 April 2013

Pedestrian crossing

Pedestrian crossing over a road closure sign. The City Daily Photo theme for April was "pedestrian crossing". Click here to see more pedestrians crossing streets all over the world.

Le thème du mois d'avril pour les blogueurs du réseau City Daily Photo était "Pedestrian crossing" ou Passage pour piétons. J'ai choisi de vous montrer un piéton atypique. Cliquer ici pour voir d'autres piétons traversant les rues partout dans le monde.


  1. An action shot! Looks nice weather where you are and a super theme photo for today. Very nice.

  2. Oi! I hope he doesn't run into any trouble.

  3. Haha! If I were a jogger, I wouldn't let anything stand in my way either, especially not a pesky sign!!

  4. oh i like this, the road closed sign and him not caring and going anyway!

  5. Contradiction.
    Dialogues de jaunes.
    Dialogue de barrières.
    Et sur le macadam, tout se barre, le coureur comme la route !

  6. A speedy crossing, road sign or no, and nice warm picture for theme day!

  7. Eye-catching POV and clever message. Smash through barriers, question authority!

    I appreciate the long note you left me recently. It's not something I do lightly. The reason I was in New Orleans illustrates an important difference in US and European culture. Might write a longer reply if time permits.

  8. Image du monde actuel
    on court
    droit dans l'impasse

  9. It looks like a race... maybe that is why the road is closed? Love the action and the perspective, great realisation!

  10. "Now who pays attention to signs?"

    Terrific shot!

  11. The perfect angle, the perfect moment.


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