Saturday, 1 February 2014

Theme day: entry

Entering the old village of Beaumes-de-Venise through the eastern door, it is interesting to notice that while from the outside the arch is round, from the inside it appears to be pointed, ogival in shape. Where the two sides built at different times ? This blog participates in the City Daily Photo Theme day, which on this first day of February 2014 is 'entry' : see many more entries here.

En entrant dans le vieux village de Beaumes-de-Venise par la porte est, il est intéressant de noter que l'arche, qui est ronde quand on la voit de l'extérieur, apparait ogivale sur sa face intérieure. Les deux côtés auraient-ils été construits à des époques différentes ?
Je participe aujourd'hui au thème du mois organisé par le réseau City Daily Photo : le thème en ce 1er février 2014 est 'entry' - voilà mon entrée. Vous en découvrirez plein d'autres ici.


  1. Or two different stone-masons having a tiff, Nathalie. No matter which, it is an enticing entry.

  2. It's an arch that beckons you: come through me.

  3. Very pretty, Nathalie. In a quaint town like yours, there must have been a hundred wonderful possibilities for the "entry" theme!

  4. Going by the entrance, the village bridge must also have a kink in it.... Julie's masons must be continuing their tiff!

    Love the way the village nudges right up against the walls.

  5. Effectivement... les pierres de l'arche, aujourd'hui ogivale, avaient-elle souffert de tels dommages que l'arche s'en est trouvee changee lors de la réfection?
    Tu as l'oeil!

  6. Thérèse a raison, tu as l'oeil et le bon !
    Tu entre par une époque et tu ressors à une autre.

  7. Good observation! I might have missed the different shapes had you not pointed them out. I especially like the first that leads me into the photo.

  8. Interesting! Is there an archaeologist around that you could ask?

  9. Quoi qu'il en soit, c'est beau ! Et c'est aussi la promesse d'un bon verre...

  10. i could just walk all day through these quaint little roadways!

  11. This is a quintessentially French scene. There is nothing like this in the Western Hemisphere, except for maybe a few streets in Quebec.

  12. Good eye! I never noticed that when we have been to Beaumes de Venise even though I took pictures of both sides of the gate. Have a great week.

  13. i love shots like this one ..

  14. That's interesting. I've had the wine but never seen the gates. The design is a puzzle. Has there been historical research?

  15. C;est vrai tu as l’œil... Je ne l'avais jamais remarqué !!! tu as très bien fait de le mettre sur le site, je vais piéger mes amis balméens!!!
    Ta voisine la plus proche

  16. How wonderful this looks. The blue really adds to the overall composition and beauty of your 'entry'.

  17. A very discerning eye, lovely old wall with mystery to be uncovered...

  18. Different stonemasons perhaps?

  19. Superbe photo et superbe blog également.



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