Saturday, 22 March 2014

Gone globe-trotting

Don't expect to see me visiting your blogs this weekend, I'll be fully immersed in Avignon's 17th Globe Trotters Festival, one of my favourite annual events here. From Friday 21st to Sunday 23rd March, these three days dedicated to travel and adventure are a wonderful opportunity to view some great movies, share travel stories and meet fascinating people. If you're near Avignon, do come and join us: check out the program here. If you're far, check out the teaser of one of the films we'll be showing, North of the Sun: it's about two Norwegian guys who spent nine months of winter in a remote and uninhabited bay on an island off the coast of northern Norway. They built a cabin out of driftwood and other materials washed up on shore and ate expired food they got from stores for free. Being keen surfers, they mainly intended to ride the waves the bay is famous for, but they also undertook to clean up the beach in their spare time: at the end of their stay they came home with 3 tons of rubbish collected on the shore. Do check out the trailer, it's fun!

Ne comptez pas sur moi pour visiter vos blogs ce week-end, je serai tout entière occupée par le 17ème Festival des Globe Trotters d'Avignon, l'un de mes rendez-vous annuels préférés ici. Du 21 au 23 mars 2014 (de ce soir vendredi jusqu'à dimanche), le festival c'est tout un programme de films, de rencontres et d'expositions autour du voyage qui permettent de découvrir des images, des récits et des gens passionnants. Si vous êtes dans le coin, venez nous rejoindre ! Le programme complet est en ligne ici. Sinon, la brochure est disponible à l'office du tourisme (vite, vite) ou alors venez nous retrouver à la salle Benoit XII, rue des Teinturiers à Avignon. A bientôt !


  1. Sounds like a great event. The trailer was indeed fun!

  2. I've never heard of such an event. What a good idea. I'm sure I'd enjoy it, particularly if my French were better.

  3. ça fait un peu loin pour moi mais je te souhaite un bon festival.

  4. I saw the movie North of the Sun last night and it was great. It's fun, uplifting, inspiring and thought provoking:
    What of the tons of rubbish we produce each year which ends up polluting our direct environment? What of all the food we throw away just because it's past the expiry date when it's perfectly edible, at least in part?
    What of the life we're leading in big cities sitting in front of computers? The movie was very much about feeling ALIVE. Food for thought... Thanks guys!

  5. Merci encore une fois d'avoir été des nôtres cette année encore. Sur scène, tu assures à la perfection.
    Bienveillante, à l'écoute, réactive, attentive à la salle. Comme toujours parfaite. Je n'entends toujours que de jolies choses sur ta façon de faire. Merci+++
    Et on n'oubliera pas les petits crabes de Sardaigne et les poissons de la Méditerranée!!!


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