Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Aubune aux figues

Notre Dame d'Aubune, Beaumes-de-Venise

The recipe is simple if you have the right ingredients. Take a 12th century Roman chapel perched half way up a hill near Mount Ventoux. Select a bunch of perfectly ripe prickly pears. Adjust the the two to your liking. For perfect lighting, consume preferably late afternoon.
Picture taken this Sunday. I love turning around this chapel like my friend Bob turns around the Gateway Arch in Saint Louis, Missouri. He's extraordinarily good at finding a new angle every time: check it out, it's worth it!

La recette est simple si l'on a les bons ingrédients. Prenez une petite chapelle romane perchée à flanc de coteau sur les contreforts des dentelles de Montmirail. Choisissez un buisson de figues de barbarie bien mûres. Ajustez les deux selon votre goût. Pour une lumière idéale, dégustez de préférence en fin de journée.
Photo prise ce dimanche. J'adore tourner autour de Notre Dame d'Aubune comme mon ami Bob tourne autour de la Grande Arche de sa bonne ville de St Louis dans le Missouri - il arrive toujours à trouver un angle nouveau, c'est extraordinaire. Allez voir, ça vaut la peine.


  1. Elle est magnifique ta photo, Nathalie !

  2. Je n'y ai jamais goûté.
    Est-ce bon ?

  3. Elles portent bien leurs noms en ces temps ces figues là...

  4. Excellente photo... qui ne manque pas de piquant ;-)

  5. Why thank you! The compliment means a great deal coming from such a fine photographer.

    And this picture being an example, with its perfect depth of field. Do they make prickly pear preserves and jelly in your area? It's common in our Southwest.

  6. belle composition, donc on attend tous les vendredi une photo de cette chapelle ;) belle hommage a la plus belle serie des Daily

  7. Bob to tell you the truth my experience with prickly pears is that they're VERY PRICKLY. As a consequence I never managed to go beyond my first attempt at opening one. A friend told me that rolling them in sand was the way to get rid of the incredibly fine needles that keep getting into your skin but it's never really worked for me. Perhaps I just need more practice.


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