Monday, 8 September 2014

Monday painting

With September comes the return of my Monday painting series. Last time I showed purple artichokes, it was on a market in August 2009 here. Do you have them where you live? Their honey scent is divine. 

Avec septembre vient le retour de ma série Peinture du lundi. La dernière fois que j'avais montré des artichauts violets, c'était sur un marché en août 2009 ici. En avez-vous là où vous vivez ? Leur parfum de miel est divin.  

Artichauts violets : peinture à l'huile par, Nathalie Daguet,  oeuvre originale réalisée d'après nature en Provence, août 2014, 29x39 cm, huile sur papier texturé
Purple artichokes: original oil painting by Nathalie Daguet painted from real life in Provence in August 2014, size 29x39 cm, fine oil on textured paper.


  1. Ils sont super beaux tes artichauts, Nathalie. Ils me plaisent bien.
    Point d'artichauts dans ma région et point dans mon jardin, mon Chéri n'aime pas ça.

  2. No, I have never seen purple artichokes. I'll have to keep my eye out for them now to see if they are more common than I know. Perhaps they are simply not available here.

  3. Ils ont fière allure ces deux-là! Bravo Nathalie, j'aime beaucoup l'union de ces deux couleurs...

  4. Oh, pretty. These tall plants, wild artichokes, used to grow wild in my backyard near Jerusalem.

    (Thanks for your visit, Nathalie. Yes, I moved down to Meitar in the Negev a year ago to be near my three little grandkids. Guy had a sabbatical and they lived here for seven wonderful months. Now daughter Naomi and the family are back down in Sydney, Australia. sigh ... But life here in the desert in the middle of nowhere is OK, and I will stay.)

  5. N-Regarding your comment on "Dog Pack," the photograph I posted from the MN State Fair. The photo is not old; all of the entries during the exhibit are work done by contempary MN artist, and as I mentioned in my post, it's a show exhibiting the work of very talented people. Love it.

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  9. Sadly, we don't have purple artichokes in Poland. They are beautiful. They remind me a bit about hydrangea.


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