Wednesday, 24 February 2016

The little red dress

Avançons vers l'été : Marchant avec ce qu'il faut de détermination dans la vie, cette jeune personne m'a rappelé un certain manteau rouge.

Let's move on to summer : Walking with all the determination needed in life, this young lady reminded me of a certain red coat.

Completely unrelated: I read something today which I really enjoyed: in  Fresh Eyes on London fellow blogger Mo's "10 things no-one tells you about moving to London" - a great post!


  1. Jolie photo. Bel effet que cette robe rouge échappée du monde en gris.



  2. La petite puce, la Princesse aux petits pois, Le Petit Chaperon à pois... Elle est mimi!

  3. The child herself is a strong focal point but the red REALLY stands out. I went to your red coat link, too. The child in the red coat in Shindler's List spoiled these similar images for me because it reminds me of that scene in the movie. Nonetheless, it is spectacular to see this child seeming so carefree.

  4. Décidément, tu tentes les loups... et les taureaux !

  5. Wonderful photo, but how have you managed to have everything else in black and white?

  6. Un noir et blanc en couleur !

  7. Helen you do this with Photoshop or any equivalent software. You use a tool that enables you to detour a certain zone and turn it to black and white. I don't have Photoshop on my laptop so I used a free software call photofiltre, there's an advanced version that you have to buy but even the basic version that I downloaded for free lets you do this.


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