Friday, 26 December 2014

Rain and tears

Some Christmases are more joyful than others. Our dear mother drew her last breath on December 23rd at 7:00 pm. She had seen her four daughters and all of her grand-children, said goodbye to her best friends and died peacefully listening to Bach chorals and holding my sister's hand. Music and love, the two pilars of her life, supported her till the end.

Certains Noëls sont plus joyeux que d'autres. Notre chère maman a rendu son dernier souffle le 23 décembre à 19h. Elle avait revu ses quatre filles et tous ses petits-enfants, avait dit au revoir à ses amis les plus chers, elle est partie en paix en écoutant du Bach et en tenant la main de ma soeur. L'amour et la musique, les deux piliers de sa vie, l'ont accompagnée jusqu'au bout.


  1. Très triste pour toi et tous les tiens, Nathalie. Certains Noël sont joyeux, d'autres non.
    Je t'embrasse.

  2. Sincere condolences to you, dear Nathalie. It must be a very hard time of loss for you, especially at this season. May you be comforted in your mourning.
    Your mother died a perfect death, with family and Bach. It sounds like the completion of a life lived.
    We can all hope for the same when our time comes.
    Shalom and love to you.

  3. Nathalie, je t'écris et je t'envoie ici, mes pensées amicales et sincères pour toi et ceux que tu aimes.

  4. So sorry to hear about your mother, Nathalie - sincere condolences and all the best. Barbara

  5. Si triste en pensant à toi et pourtant ce devait être bon d'être tous ensemble prés d'elle. Il faut repenser aux jours heureux de cet été. Je t'embrasse fort.

  6. From your description, Nathalie, it seems that she went when she was ready, when she had done what she needed and wanted to do, and in a way she wanted to go. Many people don't get that opportunity. I hope you will draw some comfort from the way she departed this life.

  7. C'est avec des larmes dans les yeux que je t'embrasse très fort, Nathalie

  8. Oh I'm so sorry to hear this Nathalie. My Mother also passed very close to Christmas a few years ago, like your Mother she was ready to go, to be reunited with my Dad. I know you will be feeling a little lost right now, sending big hugs from Perth xx

  9. My sincere condolences to you Nathalie... I have also lost my sweet Mother. Someone once told me when you lose your Mom, you've lost your best friend...

  10. Nathalie, je n'étais pas là... Je t'embrasse très fort, je viendrais te voir bientôt
    ta voisine

  11. Condolences from me also, Nathalie. I hope for my own passing to be so timely and joyous. A near-perfect goodbye ...

  12. Carolyn and I send our sympathy and our thoughts to you at such a sad time. You are an artist, though, and you have given us an exquisite expression of your feelings.

  13. Juste un adieu Joliemaman

  14. ah Nathalie que c'est triste. je pleur pour toi.
    une nouvelle annee sans ta mere mais elle sera toujours avec toi elle marche a cote de ton coeur. les memoirs de joie et de fidelite.

    je tembrasse tres fort chere Nathalie.

  15. Douces pensées... de tout cœur avec toi.

  16. je suis de tout coeur avec toi dans ce moment difficile

  17. sad but all the same comforting - all the best for the coming year

  18. I cannot help but shed a tear for you, Nathalie. It is a difficult time. Many of us have had the same experience and many comments posted here have eloquently offered heartfelt sympathy and condolences that can only serve to support you and your family. Yet it is not an easy time and I grieve with you. Lighting a candle for you.

    I am STILL recovering from the flu; been a difficult time. As soon as I feel better, I will get out to take some photos. In the meantime, I'll continue to visit and comment!

  19. n'etant pas trop present dans la blogsphere en ce moment, je viens de lire ton post, je suis de tout coeur avec toi et ta famille .

  20. Merci à tous chers amis pour vos très gentils message. J'y suis très sensible.

  21. Thanks to all of you, dear friends, for your kind and caring comments. They mean a lot to me.


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