Friday, 8 April 2016

This morning 9:00 am

A picture of my wisteria taken half an hour ago. You've probably seen more spectacular: the flowers are neither huge or extremely numerous, no dramatic explosion of purples and mauves, but to me it means a lot: I planted this wisteria 2 years ago and it's a joy to see it coming along so nicely. I feel grateful for mother nature's generosity.
This post is linked to Skywatch Friday, a community of bloggers who look up to the sky every Friday. Click to see other skies around the world, a extraordinarely diverse and exciting sight.

Une photo de ma glycine prise il y a une demi-heure. Vous avez certainement déjà vu plus spectaculaire : les grappes de fleurs ne sont ni énormes ni extrêmement nombreuses, pas d'explosion fabuleuse de violets et de mauves, mais pour moi c'est une joie. J'ai planté cette glycine il y a deux ans et je suis ravie de la voir grandir si joliment. Merci dame nature, vous êtes bien généreuse.
Je participe aujourd'hui à Skywatch Friday, un site où des blogueurs du monde entier partagent leur vue du ciel tous les vendredis. Allez-y voir, c'est dépaysant ! 


  1. No better way to show blossom than against a blue sky. Very nice indeed.

  2. Je sens d'ici la bonne odeur..
    à bientôt
    Ta voisine.................

  3. Comme un bonheur ne vient jamais seul, il y a tout un troupeaux de jolis moutons en arrière plan de ta jeune glycine ;-)

  4. The Wisteria is beautiful--time and patience is all it takes. Also the view is equally beautiful.

  5. Un joli parfum! Enfant on les mangeait, aussi...

  6. Wonderful flowers and such a nice and friendly sky, it must have been a beautiful awakning this morning.

  7. So nice to see blooms from something you planted yourself! Beautiful photo.

  8. You have every right to be proud of it, especially when you photograph it so beautifully. Enjoy.

  9. Lovely, I love wisteria. Like you, I too planted one, the first three or four years the plant put down roots and strengthens, the flowers are more abundant after that. The fragrance is wonderful.

  10. Great images and what a lovely view.
    I like the colour of the flowers too.


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