Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Parched land

A stroll at sunset in the field behind my sister's house in Lagnes, a parched piece of land where dried herbs and flowers glow in the low light. In the distance to the east surge the creased lines of Monts du Vaucluse, beyond a tractor left behind by the farmer who used to raise free range chicken here, .

Un petit tour au coucher du soleil dans le champ derrière chez ma soeur à Lagnes, où herbes et fleurs  desséchées accrochent la lumière du soir. A l'est, derrière le tracteur laissé là par le fermier qui élevait ici des volailles bio, s'élèvent les plis cassés des monts du Vaucluse.


  1. Magnifique, presque aussi joli que chez nous !!!!
    bisou ta voisine..............

  2. Presque, ma chère Nine, presque ! :)

  3. Super jolies les herbes sèches au soleil.
    Beau paysage aussi !

  4. Lovely light in these shots. It does look quite dry.

  5. Perfect evening for a stroll. I just love the light in your first shot.

  6. It makes for an arresting picture but it's not a good sign. And the abandoned tractor leaves a certain sadness. Here, the mountains east of Los Angeles are ablaze and the main highway from there to Las Vegas is closed by fire. A day or two ago maybe a quarter of Louisiana was under water. I'm hoping for little more than drizzle in Amsterdam in a couple of weeks.

    By the way, I agree with your observation about the parasailer in my post a couple of days ago. Sometimes I think my sense of humor has too much of an edge. I was just hoping for a better show.

  7. bonjour chere nathalie.
    bien sur les herbes sont dansantes.
    c'est magnifique


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