Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Sweet baby hand

A child (not mine or anyone I know) on board the train to Paris. It's an old photo, it's been months since I last went to Paris, but I just love that sweet baby hand.
I chose to focus on the hand and crop my original photo in such a way that the baby's face would only appear in reflection. Do you think I'm being protective enough of the child's right to privacy?

Bébé à bord du train pour Paris. C'est une vieille photo, ça fait des mois que je ne suis plus montée à Paris, mais j'adore cette petite main de bébé. 
J'ai choisi de recadrer mon image de départ de façon à cibler la main et que le visage du bébé n'apparaisse qu'en reflet. Ai-je assez respecté les droits de cet enfant ? Qu'en pensez-vous ?


  1. A mon avis tu l'as bien respecté, ce bébé, et meme si probablement il s'en fiche, je crois que tu lui as rendu un très bel hommage!
    En effet, sa petite main grassouillette et si expressive est... irrésistible.

  2. Yes, in a reflected profile this child could be anyone. Terrific shot!

  3. It is a wonderful capture Nathalie.
    I have had the same thoughts re a photo I have used in the post I am writing at present.
    The expression on the children's faces captivated my attention.
    I have witnessed so many Asians snapping photos of European children without any thought of privacy, that I don't feel we have stepped over the line.

  4. There is much difference of opinion about this. I ask the parents permission if I am at close range but not when there are a number of other people around. I probably would have taken this on the fly since it is nearly anonymous.

    This looks like a boy but it reminds my sweet little Audrey who I see so seldom. She is 17 months old. Since my son and his family moved from Chicago to central Michigan visits are difficult. Happily, there is one scheduled for April.

  5. Émerveillement! Qui pourrait en vouloir au photographe?

  6. bonjour chere Nathalie. cette photo est magnifique. jaime beaucoup travailler en lart avec les mains humains et la mains de bebe ici ca nous mene a reflechir sur le debout du chemin.
    merci je t'embrasse.

  7. Comment devra-t-on traduire ?
    "Douce main de bébé" ?
    Ou "Main d'un doux bébé" ?

    Ceci dit, c'est plaisir de voir un enfant qui semble ne pas souffrir.


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