Thursday, 2 July 2009

Home from school

Rue des Ortolans
4:30 pm, school is over and the summer holidays start tomorrow. I enjoyed following this sweet little girl and her mother walking home. Most parents in the city center here come and pick up their kids on foot or by bike. Can you see how narrow the streets are? Driving children to or from school would be impossible. This little girl was enjoying walking right along the sidewalk's edge. I remember doing that too. How about you? Did you walk to school, take a school bus or did your parents taxi you around? (Note: no uniforms in French schools)

16h30, sortie des classes. Demain, c'est les grandes vacances. Intra muros, la plupart des parents viennent chercher leurs enfants à pied ou à vélo. Vous voyez la largeur des rues ? Circuler en voiture serait impossible. Cette petite fille jouait à marcher en équilibre au bord du trottoir. Je me souviens de l'avoir fait aussi. Et vous ? Vous alliez à l'école à pied, vous aviez des parents taxis ou vous preniez le bus scolaire ?


  1. Hi Nathalie, thank you for posting my first comment in my blog, you are very kind! And thank so much for your tip about city daily photo, i didn´t know it, i´m already translating my writings to english and soon I´gonna register there. Come anytime to see more photos of Floripa!

  2. and trying not to touch the line while hopping so that my wish would come true...

  3. bonjour Nathalie
    Comme adulte je vole à la maison quand le programme scolaire a terminé.

  4. poignante photo ..merci..

  5. Doing a "Sophie Calle?" Narrow streets are great in the hot weather - lots of shade for northern types like me.

  6. Yes Richard, the heat here is just awful. My home office has no air conditioning and afternoons are hell. Temperatures in the 35°C range are expected this afternoon - unless we get a storm?

  7. Je me souviens qu'avec mon amivoisin, Saka Bécher, on mettait longtemps pour rentrer chez nous... On jouait aux billes DANS le caniveau en avançant...

  8. Je me souviens qu'un malheur serait évité, qu'on aurait une bonne note à l'interro de géo si on évitait de poser le pied sur une jointure de bordure du trottoir...

  9. Quel gamin ou gamline n'a jamais fait de l'équilibre sur le bord du trottoir. Je l'ai sans doute fait lorsque Maman nous accompagnait à l'Ecole St-Bernard je crois ou de la rue St-Bernard près de la rue de Charonne.
    Plus tard, avenue Parmentier, nous allions à l'école, seules, ma soeur et moi (puis après avec notre petit frère) car celle-ci était près de m'immeuble ou nous habitions.Puis toujouts à l'acole primaire, toujours à pieds (à Savigny sur Orge) l'école était au bout de la rue des Chardonnerets.
    Je ne te parlerais pas d'après, j'étais beaucoup plus grande et j'allais au collège en véloooo.
    Si tu veux tous savoir, lorsque je suis arrivée en Sarthe, j'allais au lycée en Solex.

  10. bonjour...

    Classic.. beautiful! :-)

  11. Pretty picture to be sure.

  12. Wow, it is hot! It has cooled down considerably in Sydney the last day or so - about 15 today!!!

    That street brings back memories of one very like it.

    I was often driven TO school by mum on her way to work, but always caught a train and bus home.

  13. i like this picture. peace with love (mom with daughter)

  14. To preface my statement, you must know that I am a New Yorker... Seems there are many suspicious characters lingering on those narrow streets! We are always on guard and a little paranoid.

  15. How adorable! I love the closeness of the first shot - the street makes the scene seem so much more loving and close :)

  16. I like her backpack... and her colorful hat... between the smoker, the portable telephoner, the shaved-headed-bearded guy in gloves, the looks like a real gauntlet to run for this young innocent.

  17. I had the same experience as this little girl. My school was right next to my house, however. I could walk to and from by my self.

  18. I wish I lived in a place like this.
    Where I live, it's too hot to walk anywhere.
    I've always had to walk 2 miles just to get out of my neighborhood.

  19. Et oui... le dernier jour ! Mais pas pour tous ! ! ! Comme si en plus il fallait ramer plus longtemps...!
    J'aime bien ta photo ! Cool ! Tranquille !...
    Bises nathalie...;)

  20. I used to crawl under the back fence and run like mad! We were lucky enough to be "over the fence" from our primary school (was it really that long ago? good grief, it was!!) so my brother and I decided to dig a hole Hogan's Heroes-like and "escape to school" each day. I'm sure it drove my mother crazy having to wash our clothes or repair them from where we had accidently ripped them in our haste to escape.

  21. Adorable cette petite fille .... comme la plupart des "filles" d'ailleurs! :-)

    ... et si bien habillée et équipée!

  22. Nice and cool picture..
    love it..

  23. Superb image the top one! Good on you, and thanks for stopping by :)
    Cheers Nathalie.

  24. Amazing structure and amazing image! I'd love to to do the climb but without a camera in my hands I'll be cursing all the way up and down.. I can understand the reasoning but still..
    Great photographs!

  25. Salut Nathalie! Look this picture! Makes me think of picking up my daughters from school! Precious moments in time. Merci et bonjour d'EAGAN daily photo


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