Tuesday 28 July 2009

More festival faces

Place du PalaisAbove and below, more portraits from the theatre festival. You can guess from the costumes that the performances span a large variety of styles. Can you tell me which portrait you like best and why?

Ci-dessus et dessous, une série de visages du Festival d'Avignon. On peut deviner par le costume que le style des spectacles est d'une énorme variété. Pourriez-vous me dire lequel de ces portraits vous préférez et pourquoi ?


  1. C'est amusant d'imaginer quel spectacle se cache derrière telle ou telle photo!
    Juste en regardant la première, je me dis que ce peut être que du Molière ;-)
    Pour ma part, j'aime beaucoup ces Pierrot qui devraient être lunaire et qui se retrouvent en plein jour!
    A tout'

  2. I like the expressions and interaction in the second last photo, especially because the subjects don't appear to be aware of the camera.

    I like the lack of context in the last picture: it gives my imagination free reign to imagine a background for these women!

    Really, they are all lovely shots, but those are my favourites.

  3. J'aime bien la première photo, mais surtout la troisième. Cela me rappelle les îles ....

  4. Lovely and jouyful series :)

  5. So many super portraits. I love the black face because the expression is so open and relaxed and I love the last photo, because the image, with costumes and particularly the make-up and head gear is so theatrical.

  6. I like the accordion player best because he's a talented musician and wears a handsome top hat! Voila le raison!

  7. The last one. Because the two ladies, except for the white collar could be the same person. I love the low angle from which it's shot, as well as the different directions they're looking in. And I love the simple contrast between the black, the blue and the light on her face. And it's just feels more real or something. Well done.

  8. Your photos of these performers are just great. The first group have such devilish looks in their eyes and expressions. I love these shots.

  9. The photographer in me says the last one. Could be a studio shot. The viewer in me just love the jolliness of the first one. What a fun bunch of people.

  10. My favorite is the lady in pink. She looks surprised and delighted to see the turbaned man before her, and I wonder what it is about him that brought her reaction. She also stands out beautifully from her mostly monochrome surroundings.

    My other favorite is the last one: simple, dramatic, and enigmatic.

  11. Certainly the last one because it covers it all and at the same time it hides some mystery.

  12. That first group is really juicy! Fun !!!

  13. Definitely the first - so many happiness!

  14. La photo que je préfère, c'est celle de l'homme au gibus qui joue du concertina. Non seulement parce qu'il a une figure intéressante, mais surtout pour la rareté de cet instrument fort mal connu en France, où on le croit reservé au cirque alors qu'il figure en quatre exemplaires dans la 2ème Suite pour Orchestre de Tchaïkovski :

    Attention cependant à ne pas confondre le concertina avec le bandonéon :

    Tout comme il ne faut pas mélanger gibus et haut de forme:

  15. What a lovely photos!
    I`m a swedish woman living in Singapore, I´m at the moment in Sweden but I fly back to Singapore on Sunday, I can´t wait:)

    Hugs Gunilla

  16. Oh I think I will just take that wonderful punk sunhat as it is sooooo hot here today, that I need all of the help I can get!
    love the photos, as always
    I am like a small fly on the wall in your lovely city

  17. For me it's the second one with the woman in the pink hat because I want to know what she is seeing to make her look so happy

  18. I like them all Nath, because it looks like you're having too much fun !
    Cheers !

  19. I like the first one because the way they smiled looks Hillarious to me!
    And I like the last photo for its magical aura..

  20. J'aime beaucoup le "black" et son déguisement créole ! L'a l'air sympa en plus !
    Le chapeau rose est pas mal non plus avec ses lunettes !

  21. You have as usual been very actively blogging … and I have been away. I have of course now thoroughly studied your last posts, so varied between the festival and some macros! Bravo!

    If you force me to give a preference, I would perhaps choose the pink lady, especially for her spontaneous look, or...! (Sorry only one choice possible.)

  22. Les pauvres, qui souffrent sous le soleil...


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