Sunday, 16 August 2009

Café de France or...?

L'isle sur la SorgueIf exhausted by your tribulations around the market, several options for taking a rest : having a drink at the Cafe de France, locally famous for its beautifully traditional decor, or head for one of the many restaurants lining the water's edge. Any preference ?
Si vos tribulations au marché vous ont épuisé, plusieurs options s'offrent à vous pour vous reposer : prendre un verre au Café de France, localement célèbre pour son somptueux décor traditionnel, ou choisir l'un des nombreux restaurants au bord de l'eau. Avez-vous une préférence ?


  1. Fort sympathique tout ca! Je pense que je pencherai plutot pour une guinguette au bord de l'eau, ca a l'air beaucoup plus tranquille.

  2. Une guinguette au bord de l'eau ne serait pas pour me déplaire et je verrais bien une des nappes sur mon patio...

  3. Les deux endroits sont superbes, j'adore les couleurs, mais je crois que je préfère le bord de l'eau!

  4. Table for two, waterside please.

  5. Hi Nathalie, I have been enjoying these photos. During my last trip to Avignon (en avril), I tried to go to L'Isle sur la Sorgue but discovered that the bus only made one trip there during the day which would have meant an overnight stay which I hadn't planned on when talking with the bus driver. I hope that I didn't totally misunderstand the bus driver ! What a nice place to visit. Perhaps next time....

  6. It would be the water side for me, so peaceful

  7. Bonjour! Nathalie,
    Nathalie said,"having a drink at the Cafe de France, locally famous for its beautifully traditional decor, or head for one of the many restaurants lining the water's edge. Any preference ?"

    The photograph and the crowds of patrons at the outdoor Cafe de France seems nice and pleasant, but I think that I would prefer one of the many restaurants lining the water's edge.
    Merci, for sharing!
    DeeDee ;-D

  8. it's a very difficult choice for me because there's nothing more I love than the buzz of a French cafe but the situation by the water is calm and beautiful. How about an aperitif in the cafe and dinner by the river? With you?

  9. I vote for the cute tables with the water view. Lovely!

  10. un peu trop de monde pour moi au café de france

  11. Pour en avoir essayé pas mal, ce qu ils ont de meilleur dans leur cuisine c'est ... la proximité de l'eau...Il vaut mieux aller faire un repas a l'auberge de lagnes... a quelques km de L'Isle...

  12. Janette "Central Coast"18 August 2009 at 09:25

    The riverside is very inviting for me! I have been enjoying your blog very much Nathalie. Thankyou for the superb journey around "your neck of the woods".

  13. just about anywhere you show me is a place i would willingly sample

  14. There is a wonderful guinguette at the sorgue river endge 1km out of the city. the place called "le partage des eaux" (you can even swim there in the summer) : here is the webside :


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