Saturday, 15 August 2009

Walking/cycling home

L'isle sur la Sorgue
Back from market in the midday heat. I'm always amazed to see how the market crowds mysteriously dwindle down as you leave the city centre. Just a few blocks away, the maze of narrow winding streets seems deserted.

Retour de marché dans la chaleur de midi. Je suis toujours étonnée de voir comme la foule du marché disparaît mystérieusement dès qu'on quitte les rues marchandes. Juste quelques mètres plus loin, le dédale de ruelles de la vieille ville est quasiment désert.


  1. Just love the peace of this photograph, Nathalie. You are SO right. The crowds here are unbelievable and I vow never to go down to Menton again in August except very early morning to shop. Your photo is just what I need today to remember how it will be soon. Your photo has wonderful soft colours, the girls chatting, peace...have a lovely weekend.

  2. This captivating scene actually has brought tears to my eyes. So lovely; I deeply hope to visit one day.

  3. merci pour toutes ces photos du marché, toutes aussi magnifiques les unes que les autres et qui donnent envie d'y aller flaner, nous mettant l'eau à la bouche !! et même si je connais déjà tout ce coin je partirai bien pour le redécouvrir !c'est toujours avec autant de plaisir que je viens me balader sur votre blog, alors à la prochaine

  4. Where two wemen are going?
    Three houses are looking down them gently.

  5. Perfect capture! Is August worse than July, tourists wise, in the South? I know in July in the Southwest of France, it was not very crowded. Conques, Rocamadour... were almost empty, but the market in Pezenas was incredibly busy.

  6. Your photos are always such a joy to see. Love all the colours in your basket and tea towel shots.

  7. PS. I just mentioned your blog on my site, if you want to come and see.

  8. Beautiful photos, all of them capturing simple daily events to commnunity the elan of the city.

  9. I love this simple scene of everyday life in the city. Very nice and it looks hot there. Summer is upon us all.

  10. Bonjour! Nathalie,
    What a very interesting photograph I feel that you have captured the essence of the day as people (Parisians) return home from the(hustling and bustling) that take place at the marketplace in France.
    Merci, for sharing!
    DeeDee ;-D

  11. What an awesome, "typical southern France" photo! Handy to live in the city center! Bonjour d'EAGAN daily photo

  12. Beautiful picture. I live in Vicenza, Italy, many years ago for 6 months and it looked so much like this picture....brings back so many memories


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