Saturday, 8 August 2009

Purple quiz

Sea anemones? It sure looks like it, except I found them at the market. Can you tell what they are?

Des anémones de mer ? On dirait bien, sauf que je les ai trouvées au marché. Savez-vous ce que c'est ?


  1. Oui, oui, je sais ce que c'est...
    C'est magnifique!

  2. Artichokes!

    "They might choke Artie, but they ain't gonna choke me" -Little Rascals

  3. Avant de commenter, je suis allée voir ce qu'était une anémone de mer. Effectivement cela ressemble à cette fleur aquatique qui devrait rester dans son milieu naturel, à moins que ce soit un accompagnement pour le poisson.
    Le couleur est jolie et la fleur est bien plus belle sous l'eau.
    Ses petite'tentacules" se balancent au gré du courant.
    Tiens ! Je' suis contente de mon exposé, ce matin !

  4. le poisson clown8 August 2009 at 08:38

    Tiens toi qui nous poses toujours des question, devine qui est Némo.

  5. je prends mon masque et tuba et je réfléchis

  6. Il faut dire que ces derniers jours il a fait archi-chaud.

  7. Il ne doit plus y avoir grand-chose à manger dedans...

  8. Most beautiful, and they do look as if they live in the sea. The last time I saw them at this stage of growth was in Salinas, California. Thank you - I had forgotten how strange and interesting they look in the fields.

  9. Fleurs d'artichauds , très beau !

  10. Bonjour!

    A type of thistle?

    Ha ha... What are they?

  11. Artichokes, methinks, which is indeed a type of thistle!

    Wonderful shot.

  12. Des bleuets ? mais où sont marguerites et coquelicots !

  13. Une douceur bleue
    Cynara carduncullus
    régal pour papillons

  14. OK, it seems a bunch of thistle, a bunch of sea anemones, but it s a bunch of Artichokes, isnt it?

  15. Wild artichokes grow rampant in my back yard. My neighbor harvested some and said only the Moroccan Jews know how to cook and eat them. They call them kharshoof.
    But what were they doing in your market? Sold as decoration? Yours are past the eating stage, I think.
    They are beautiful.

  16. Des fleurs d'artichaud !
    Did you slightly photoshop the colour, or is it 100% natural?

  17. What a waste... lol Just joking. J'aime tellement les artichauts!

  18. Minuit,
    l'heure du crime...
    à pas de loup
    un couteau acéré
    serré dans son poing,
    un homme s'avance dans la cuisine.
    Levant haut le bras
    résolument il plante son arme
    droit dans le coeur
    d'un vieillard-
    tichaut !

    D'après le poème humoristique de Maurice Carême,
    à retrouver au bas de cette page :

    (yvelinoise, alias fleur bleue)

  19. Wow, I had no idea that artichokes flowered like that. Those are so vivid and lovely!

  20. Artichokes indeed! I love to eat them, but have never grown them. Very thistle-y flowers.

  21. are they thistles? or artichokes? hard to tell. Really gorgeous shot.

  22. Bonjour! Nathalie,
    The consensus seems to have been reach that it's a photograph
    of thistles?!? or artichokes.?!?

    Hi! C.G.
    Merci, for sharing!
    DeeDee ;-D

  23. I'd say artichokes in full bloom, but lots of people beat me to it.

  24. I've lived in an area where Artichokes were grown, but never saw them in bloom. Obviously a member of th thistle family aren't they. Lovely.......

  25. There is an artichoke throwing contest advertised on local posters for this week near St Pol de Leon, Brittany... will have to try to get a picture of the poster at least... you definitely don't want to be in the landing area... could get messy. :-D (they do like their artichokes in these parts !)

  26. I have never seen artichokes in full bloom. Whatever they are gorgeous is a fact. That purple is just superb.

  27. Artichokes, yes. Harvested in full bloom for decoration purposes. Aren't they lovely?

    Owen, an artichoke throwing contest in Brittany? I know this is artichoke-growing country but what a crazy world we live in!

  28. C'est une magifique photo Nathalie de la couleur royale.c'est presque une couleur de transfiguration par votre angle.

  29. Violet anemones.
    So pretty lovely flowers.

  30. Je ne sais pas! :)
    They are trés belle however.
    ( Did I say it correctly????)

  31. How amazing! Your photo makes me want to plant artichokes right away.

  32. I'm here via Owen, and I'm so glad he linked this post. I am awestruck by the color of the artichoke bloom! Gorgeous. And so is your blog. I am going to follow.

  33. Интересно написано....но многое остается непонятнымb

  34. Интересно написано....но многое остается непонятнымb


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