Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Thanksgiving abroad

We belatedly celebrated Thanksgiving last Saturday with a few American friends. Wonderful company, beautiful food (far too much of it, as should be) and traditional dishes including turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, corn bread, mashed potatoes, greens, sweet potatoes, pumpkin soup, apple & pear crumble, pecan pie and much more. Many thanks dear Madeleine for bringing us together, and special thanks to Michael and Jackie for opening their home on this very special occasion.

Avec un peu de retard nous avons fêté Thanksgiving samedi dernier avec quelques amis américains. Belle table, bonne compagnie et un buffet débordant de tous les plats traditionnels : dinde énorme, farce, sauce aux canneberges, pain de maïs, potiron, pommes de terre, tarte aux courges, crumble aux pommes ou aux poires, tarte aux noix de pécan... trop à manger, comme il se doit ! Merci chère Madeleine de nous avoir réunis, merci à Michael et Jackie qui nous ont ouvert leur maison pour l'occasion.


  1. Manger grassement une action de grâce... !
    Ils sont fous ces anglais...

  2. une vraie Thanskgiving, sauf qu'il manque le match de Foot Us a la television ;o)

  3. Any American would feel right at home. I like how the light emphasized the food and then drops off on the children.

    Thanks for your several comments today. Central Avignon would seem as strange to my mother-in-law. The Marysville photo is simply what she would see if she walked out her door on a sunny afternoon. The little street is a bit barren but the development is only a few months old and there is much landscaping still to be done.

  4. looks like a feast
    fit for royal visitors

    and good wine, too, i suspect

    × × ×


  5. Ben dis moi, il faut jeuner au moins deux jours avant pour ingurgiter tout ça !

  6. Oh yes Claude, beautiful wine too!

  7. Now that's a Thanksgiving spread, I say. :oD Good to read you and other Americans in Avignon had a good celebration even on a different continent!

  8. Cornbread dressing? Oh we love it here. I made my first batch this year! Can you believe it? I'm proud that it was , as the family said, "GREAT!" and not dry! Heaven forbid. Glad you got to join this feast with friends Nathalie.

  9. Toutes les traditions, lorsqu'il s'agit de faire la fête ensemble, sont bonnes à préserver, et là, franchement, la table est belle.


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