Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Grapes on red plate

Remember the bunch of grapes I photographed a while back? Here are the two paintings I did of it. I like the contrast of the green grapes against the red-orange plate. The first painting I did was actually the one below. Just after I finished it, I decided to cut  out part of the bunch to make it smaller and paint it again, this time at a different angle and against a stronger lime green background. I like my second version better. What about you?

Vous souvenez-vous de la grappe de raisin que j'avais photographiée il y a quelque temps ? Voici les deux peintures que j'en ai faites. J'aime le contraste des raisins verts sur l'assiette rouge orangée. La première peinture que j'ai faite est en réalité celle ci-dessous. Juste après l'avoir terminée j'ai décidé de couper la grappe pour la rendre plus petite et de la peindre à nouveau, sous un angle différent et avec un fond citron vert plus vif. Personnellement je préfère ma deuxième version. Et vous ?


  1. Just an extra note to mention how difficult it is to photograph a painting without reflections and distortion in colour rendering. It's been a nightmare, as shown by the two different red plate colours, which in my original paintings were exactly the same. :(
    I'll have to work on that...

  2. Je préfère également la seconde version.

  3. Hard to choose. I decided that I liked the color in the top painting until I read your comment. I think that color distortion is fairly common in photographs. . .at least sometimes it; it also varies between my two computers. I like the curve of the grapes in the bottom photo, but I like the arrangement of the smaller bunch of grapes, too. Guess I'm just too indecisive to choose this morning!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Wow, Nathalie, you are a really talented painter. I wish I could do that. I like both of these but, I think I like the top one the best. Nicely done.

  6. Hi Nathalie - I just read your comment on my blog - thanks!!

  7. Je préfère la deuxième nature morte, je la trouve plus dynamique, plus en volume, plus... vivante :-)

  8. I rather prefer the first, personally.

  9. Les couleurs de la seconde version sont plus soft mais la première n'est pas mal non plus. L'angle de la seconde est, je dirai, plus réaliste.
    Bravo pour le coup de pinceau !

  10. That is so lovely!

  11. I had a clear answer until I read your comment. Now I am less sure.

    As I am seeing them, I like the first one better. It seems bolder and stronger, but perhaps the differences in the reds affects that.

    I am impressed that you are working on learning to paint. I had thoughts about doing that once, but now I am content to take photographs.


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