Saturday, 26 March 2016

The grape harvest roundabout

Two giant stone hands holding bunches of grapes mark the roundabout near the Beaumes-de-Venise wine coop: quite a landmark, you can't miss it. But on a foggy day it can be an eerie sight. Will you spot the little chapel of Notre Dame d'Aubune just further up the hill?

Deux mains géantes en pierre tenant des grappes de raisin marquent le rond-point près de la cave coopérative de Beaumes-de-Venise : un repère impossible à manquer. Mais par temps de brouillard matinal c'est une apparition assez fantômatique. Distinguerez-vous la petite chapelle de Notre-Dame d'Aubune un peu plus haut dans la colline ?


  1. Stunning sculptures and photography. No I didn't see the chapel, as the eyes totally focused on the hands.

  2. How did we miss this when we visited your area? I find it a bit disconcerting, giant, mighty hands arising from the earth.

  3. Very eerie in that mist. I did see the chapel, but if the fog were thicker, it would be out of sight.

  4. bonjour cher Bathalie haha clin doeil.

    quelle sculpture magnifique.les mains exprime bien le travail et les emotions en meme temps.
    belle journee.

  5. Superbes ces deux mains fantomatiques sortant du brouillard!!!

  6. D'accord avec Chri, ces deux mains sortant du brouillard sont délicieusement fantomatiques.
    Celles de la seconde photo sont encore plus insolites, on dirait qu'elles illustrent la célèbre formule magique "Fiat Lux" !

  7. Bob - Amazing indeed that you don't remember them. Not sure how it happened. You'll have to come back ;)

  8. Nathalie, I didn't realize you were blogging again. Hooray! I'm so happy to see your pictures. These are especially fascinating.

  9. Coup de coeur pour la seconde.

  10. That is the best roundabout I have ever seen. We usually have flowers or sometimes temporary street art in our "rondeller".

  11. Thanks for sharing!
    Unique and fantastic sculptures.


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