Monday 12 September 2011

Big cat

Local fauna -African safari style...
Faune locale - esprit safari africain...


Brigetoun said...

la taille est conforme ?

Thérèse said...

Tu n'as aucune peur!

chri said...

Oh le gentil chaton!

Hull and Hereabouts said...

Great cat potrait.

nathalie (Avignon) said...

Brigetoun, la taille est conforme à la distance à laquelle j'étais :-)))

French Girl in Seattle said...

Joli matou! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

Tilia said...

Il a un regard de tueur, le gentil chaton de Chri. Gare aux oiseaux qui passeraient à portée de ses griffes !

Jack said...

It is a beauty, but I think I will stay a discreet distance away . . .

Michel Benoit said...

Qu'est-ce que vous avez tous avec les chats aujourd'hui ces jours-ci ?
C'est passé la mi-août !

jeandler said...

Une belle approche
sans peur ni reproche
un doux pelage fauve

Mo said...


Olivier said...

tu devrais proposer des safaris dans Avignon ;o) bel angle pour la photo

Owen said...

Is this a friend of yours, or just a passing acquaintance. Most cats will do just about anything to get on a blog, I've noticed, anything except sacrifice their feline pride...

Michel said...

In and around our home in Sonoma County, about 45 miles north of San Francisco, when someone says a "big cat", they are referring to the mountain lions that are spotted in back yards or on the road increasingly often.

Kris McCracken said...

Great close up. I believe that this is the cat that got the cream, judging by that smile...

Bob Crowe said...

We will leave the dogs to Jilly. This one has quite the proud air. How on earth did you get underneath its head with as wide angle?

Virginia said...

Oh now I want to find the money to fly you right here to B'ham to photograph my Meeps. I could never do it as you have!

Anonymous said...

OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
quel fun chère magnifique Nathalie,

c'est seulement toi Nathalie, avec ton sixiène sens qui peut capturer un tel geste!
son visage devient presque un visage universel c'est seulement tordu(et mignon).

Anonymous said...

to Virginia,

I don't blame you for wishing to have Nathalie as a photographer, your cat would be taken to higher planes!

claude said...

Oh ! Le beau gros matou !
Miaou !

nathalie said...

Owen, Bob - It was a very flegmatic cat originally sleeping on a stone parapet. When I lodged my camera right under his nose he finally got up, looking a bit annoyed but never making any attempt to flee.

Fardoise said...

Beau félin ! Poudre en est jalouse.

Jilly said...

Oh this is SO clever. A beautiful photo and indeed I had to think - is this really a wild cat or not? Super.

Lynne with an e said...

Obviously ready for her close-up, and what a close-up you gave her.

Lynne with an e said...

PS. I'm sure she was saying, "This is my best side."

Diane said...

What a great photo.Diane

Anonymous said...

aha haha ha ha ha

× × ×


Leif Hagen said...

Loos like a woman eating tiger! Faissez attention!!

Chuckeroon said...

This is clearly the model for the "Puss in Boots" played so well by Antonio Banderas.

Bergson said...

quel cabot !!

Caro du Jallouvre said...

Qu'il est beau !


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