This post is my participation in the City Daily Photo monthly theme day. Our theme for October 1st is 'mystery objects'. Click here to view thumbnails for all participants.
Quelle est cette fumée rouge qui semble monter des tours du Palais des Papes ? On distingue aussi un filet de fumée bleue. Devinerez-vous ? Vos suggestions sont les bienvenues dans les commentaires. Si vous voulez tout de suite la réponse, cliquez ici ou ici pour avoir la clé. La réponse est liée à un événement qui s'est déroulé dimanche dernier.
Ce billet est ma participation au thème du mois de City Daily Photo. Notre thème en ce 1er octobre est "objet mystère". Cliquez ici pour voir les photos de tous les participants.
La fatrouille de Prance? A l'entrainement?
Would these be the colours of the French Flag?
Good one Nathalie!
Wonderful positioning over the Pope's Palace making it very mysterious indeed! If it had been higher in the sky would have been an easy guess.
Hmmmm. If white smoke means they picked a pope and black smoke means they didn't, maybe red and blue smoke means the cardinals would like some good French food brought in while they are deliberating.
Jack is funny, but I am going to guess the contrails of jets for a patriotic celebration, 14 juillet?
I was going with Jack, but rather than food, I was figuring that the red/blue/ and the standard white meant the next Pope was going to be French!!
Ah, the remains of the contrails (didn't know that words till today) of military jets following a display.
Bleue ou rouge, ce n'est pas pour l'élection d'un pape !
I go with the jet contrails too. But imagine being transported back a few hundred years - what would people then have made of such a portent?
C'est bien d'avoir pu capter ça.
planes leaving smoke trails perhaps or maybe colorful smoke bombs that went with fireworks
right off hand
i'd guess it's a publicity stunt
for the pope's garage sale
nice view!
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UFO's crashing to earth ?
Sarko's regime going up in smoke ?
Your photo is brilliant! It was however rather easy to guess the origin of the smoke, if you have watched the 14th July parade on the Champs-E! :-)
Hmmm, well, did they crown a mini-Pope? A Reginal French Pope? I'm being a little silly....
I got here too late to guess but had fun reading the comments.
Congratulations everyone for your creative comments, I really had fun reading you!
Chri et les autres - La patrouille de France eh oui bien sûr. Ils ont fait leur show le dimanche au-dessus de l'aéroport pour les 100 ans de l'aéro-club avignonnais (où je n'étais pas) mais le plus sympa c'est qu'ils sont également passés le lundi matin juste au-dessus de chez moi en direction du palais des papes, juste un passage comme ça pour dire au-revoir. Evidemment, le temps que j'attrape mon appareil il ne restait plus qu'une vague fumée mais j'en garde un souvenir ébloui !
Ils sont venus chez nous aussi, dimanche dernier, en laissant ces memes traces un peu magiques
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