Peter's Paris is a great blog where Peter Olson, a retired Swede, takes us on insider's visits of the city of lights. From architecture to street art and from discrete back alleys to cemetaries, Peter has a knack for delivering little-known information in a fun and attractive way supported by a wealth of images. If you love Paris there's no doubt you'll become a Peter's Paris fan. Go Peter!
Vue prise depuis le jardin de ma maman à 40 kilomètres de Paris le 27 décembre dernier. Elle et moi avions trouvé ce chassé-croisé de lignes aériennes assez spectaculaire mais je n'avais pas particulièrement l'intention de publier cette image (ce n'est pas Avignon) jusqu'à ce que je découvre hier que mon ami Peter de Paris avait posté une image quasi-identique sur son blog, voir ici. Renseignements pris, c'était bien le même jour. N'est-ce pas incroyable que nous ayions tous les deux photographié le ciel en même temps ? Les grands esprits se rencontrent... Si vous ne connaissez pas Peter's Paris, ce blog anglophone est une mine pour découvrir Paris sous toutes les coutures depuis les allées discrètes jusqu'au street art en passant par les cimetières. A suivre sans modération.

Curieusement, ces deux images de brouillard ont été prises le même jour, respectivement une heure avant et une heure après celle du haut, à la sortie du même village. Le brouillard s'est promené par bancs toute la matinée ce jour-là.

la deuxieme photo est magnifique , une superbe lumiere avec cette brume
The top image feels like the middle of the US - we call it flyover country - but the contrails aren't quite so dense as in Europe.
The second and third images are brilliant. Again, they feel like they could be from an empty American prairie rather than the farms of France. The last one is museum quality, almost post-apocalyptic in its desolation. Outstanding work. In fact, I'd love a print of it. Any of mine you might like to swap for?
And by the way, I've met Peter twice. Anyone who orders champagne at lunch is a friend of mine.
Very interesting lines in the sky!
Thanks for the link to Peter's blog!
You and Peter gave one another a nice shout out! I've been following his blog for years, and am so jealous of those of you who have met him. Enjoy both of your photos today.
Nathalie, today you offer us three very different but wonderful perspectives on the French sky. Isn't it remarkable that Peter and you shot the same sky? [You are right . . . Peter is both a scholar and an artist . . .]
I love it when our blogs overlap and since you and Peter are friends, it's even more special. Great minds think alike, n'est-ce pas?
Great post Nathalie and I love the bottom photo as well. Gorgeous!
Pardon, both bottom photos!
the third picture is very haunting, it reminds me of Hitchcock's North by Northwest or the scene in Tom Hanks' movie CastAway...mesmerizing great shots
Didn't someone say there is no such thing as a coincidence? I believe that. I love that you and Peter both took photos of the same sky on the same day - beautiful too. As are the second and third photo. I'm particularly drawn to the beauty of the second one.
Yes indeed - I've been visiting Peter's space for sometime now and find it very interesting.
These two other pictures are very interesting too!
ah que c'est magnifique l'aliénation de la nature.
Ciel parisien en chassé-croisé
confusions des sentiments
rencontre au sommet
mais que la nature est belle
une heure avant ou après
Moi aussi j'aime bien la première photo dans la brume.
Le ciel appartient à tout le monde et ce que Peter et toi avez vu, je l'ai vu aussi, car imagine que je suis située en dessous des trajet des avions qui décollent de et qui atterrissent à Paris. Ceux en partance vers les Caraïbes ou les States. Souvent dans mon ciel il y a beaucoup de trafic aérien.
Ce qui est surprenant, c'est que vous postiez tous les deux ce ciel.
Bonne Année !
Interestingly, a friend who lives in Paris (18th) posted a photo of this same sky on the 27th! It must have been quite a sight.
Hi Rob, now that's becoming interesting!
I'd love to see your friend's photo if you can provide a link to it!
Claude says that such flyover scenes are common but I really think the traffic on that morning was special. I wonder if it was because of the airport staff strike that delayed a number of flights?
Or perhaps the fog disrupted the air traffic and as soon a it cleared up a large number of aircraft landed and took off in a very short time?
On December 27th I was looking up at an English sky, and it wasn't as clear as that!
Happy new year Nathalie!
Trois bonheurs ce matin. C'est bien, ça aide!!!
Reading Rob G's comment and yours.... Yes, there must have been something special about the sky that morning! :-)
Maybe the "lines" over your countryside included planes leaving or arriving at CDG/Orly/Le Bourget, but most of the "lines" just over Paris are mostly from planes just overflying. On my photos from Paris, you can clearly see the more clear traces of planes that just took off, and the ones coming in for landing are flying too low to leave traces - I "caught" one.
C'est cela, beaucoup d'avions dans le ciel, une conjonction spéciale qui vous a fait réagir tous les deux. J'adore les ambiance de brouillard et les couleurs que cela donne, surtout, quand comme ici, on sait qu'il se lève dans la journée.
I'm happy just to see a road without a gazillion people occupying.
The world was certainly restless on 27 December.
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