Sunday 10 August 2008

The flavours of summer

Granita, 2.50 euros, twelve flavors: blood orange, peach-apricot, peach tea, cola, strawberry, melon, mint, grenadine (mixed berries), blue lagoon (whatever that is!), raspberry, strawberry-banana, lemon. A great cocktail of artificial colors and flavors for sure - not my cup of ice. Do you like them? Which flavor do you prefer?
- But this isn't called Granita in English. I can't remember the name - can you help?

Granita, 2,50 euros, douze parfums : orange sanguine, pêche-abricot, thé-pêche, cola, fraise, melon, menthe, grenadine, blue lagoon (aucune idée de ce que c'est), framboise, fraise-banane, citron. Un joli cocktail de colorants et de parfums artificiels je suppose. Pas du tout ma tasse de glace. Et vous, ça vous tente ? Vous avez un parfum préféré ?


Anonymous said...

looks refreshing.
i'd love to try the pink one :)

Miss_Yves said...

Blue lagoon,un nom évocateur... ce doit être fait à partir du curaço, c'est ce qui compose les glaces "schroumpfs" qui plaisent tant aux enfants!
Très jolie photo,très jolies couleurs !
Mes parfums préférés:menthe, thé/pêche, melon!
Est-ce que le jeu"impromptus littéraires" sera renouvelé? Je le découvre...un peu tard ;
merci de votre visite
miss Yves

Sally said...

Oooh, blood orange please!

Granita....errr, I think the kids here call them Slurpees.

Sydney Daily Photo

Bergson said...

les couleurs me plaisent aussi mais j'aurais bien trop peur d'être coloré (ça me rajeunirait peut être) en absorbant ces trucs

Virginia said...

What the heck does PRAISE taste like??? That's a new one. I am going with Sally on Slurpee. Love the artificial colors too

Sharon said...

Here in Arizona, they are called slurpees or slushies! I would love a blood orange one!

Jilly said...

I think granita is what the Brits call water ice, Nathalie. Lovely pic, nice flavours - too sweet and too chemical for me. We do get some great Italian icecreams here tho - and some granitas and truly I don't believe they are all full of chemicals, she said, naively...

Strangely, I don't actually much like icecream or water ice - mainly cos after I feel SICK!

Anonymous said...

I think they are called
"Slush Puppies" in Glasgow!!

claude said...

La boisson bleue est impressionnante ! Je pensais aussi qu'elle pouvait être faite avec du curaçao. Pour moi, ce sera pêche-abricot, quoique je préfère rester sur mon jus de fruit du matin pêche-banane. On fait pipi de quelle couleur après avoir absorbé une telle boisson ???

Cergie said...

J'adore celle là aussi, elle est très bien vue, elle fait très abstrait très contemporain, une photo témoin.

Lorsque j'étais enfant et jeune fille dans ma ville d'Epinal, nous avions uns glacière d'origine italienne, Mme Davia, une brave femme, paix à son âme, elle ne faisait des glaces aux fraises qu'à la saison des fraises, pareil pour tout. Et elles faisait ses sorbets à l'eau de sa source.
Bon sang, comme ses glaces étaient bonnes, meilleures que les madeleines de Proust.

Pat said...

Lovely and slurpy! I'll have a "peche-abricot"!

Sally said...

Ah, yes, on second thoughts, I think as Sharon said in Arizona, I think they're also called a "Slushy" here. At fairs and places I have seen them called "granita" though.

Kate said...

The names of the various flavors appeal to me as much as the colours. I'll have one of each please!

MmeBenaut said...

Definitely the peach-apricot! On a very hot day, I wouldn't care too much about the artificiality, as long as it's cold and delicious!

Petrus said...

Nice picture - great colours

In Spain they are called granizado - in English iced drink or slush.

In the Andes they are called granizada which means hailstorm as well as iced drink.

They sell these in our local bar in Spain but I can not remember the spelling they use

Anonymous said...

Slurpees, Slushies, Slush Puppies, and even Icees here in the States. Citron looks excellent!

Kevin from said...

This looks refreshing - certainly a flavor for everyone!
But my choice is Blue Lagoon (coconut :-)

Unknown said...

Here in Texas, we call these slurpies, slushies, raspas or icees. Whatever we call it, it's super on a blazing hot day!

Anonymous said...

Slush Puppies is the brand name in the UK, and the raspberry one is a bright and terrifying shade of blue.

Anonymous said...

Fraise-banane bien entendu ! .... mhum..quoique pêche-abricot me tente bien aussi ! :-)

Ming the Merciless said...

The blood orange looks tempting. So are the peach-apricot and raspberry.

I love exotic fruits.

Gaëlle said...

Orange sanguine bien-sûr ! Quoique ça ne me tente pas tellement non plus, ça m'a l'air tellement chimique tout ça !!

ichandrae said...

J'ai soif maintenant.

Les jeunes et les eskimou boivent les boissons de glace ici.
Bonne idée. Bonne photo.


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