Chapelle Notre Dame de la Conversion, rue Paul Saïn
A graffiti in golden letters on a church door - and what does it say?
"I believe in God, and him in me?" Avignon has no shortage of ugly graffiti degrading its beautiful ancient facades but this one is so intriguing it beats the lot, don't you think? If it is said that God will recognise his own, will the author of these lines be among the Chosen?
Each 1st day of the month is Theme day for
City Daily Photo bloggers and today's theme is graffiti. Want to see other spray paint works around the world?
Click here to view thumbnails for all participants. I already showed you the beautiful 18th century baroque facade of Our Lady of the Conversion church in
this post.
Des mots en lettres d'or griffonnés à la hâte sur la porte d'une église. Que lit-on ?"Je crois en dieu, et lui en moi ?". Les graffitis qui dégradent les belles façades anciennes d'Avignon sont légion mais celui-ci laisse pantois. Si l'on dit que Dieu reconnaitra les siens, l'auteur de cette profession de foi en fera-t-il partie ?Le 1er de chaque mois est journée à thème pour les blogueurs du réseau City Daily Photo. Le thème d'octobre est "graffiti". Pour voir les bombes de peinture à l'oeuvre ailleurs dans le monde, cliquez ici pour voir les images de tous les participants. Je vous avais déjà montré la somptueuse façade de cette église dans ce billet.

There's a story behind these photos : the first one I took was the one with the running man, then the close up on the graffiti. That was about a week ago. But this afternoon when preparing my post I found I was only half happy with these shots and since this church is very close to home I decided to go back and see if I could do better. But when I got there I was embarrassed to find a cute teenage couple sitting at the church door. As I walked closer I considered asking them to leave for a second while I took my photos but they unexpectedly embarked on a long and passionate kiss, oblivious to everything around them. So I took a quick snapshot and ran. I don't think they even noticed. So much for elaborate photography, here's to love in France !