On my rooftop terrace
Apples, grapes, tomatoes, figs and peaches : autumnal bounty on my fruit tray. I couldn't resist taking it all onto my outdoor table for a photo shoot. If you look closely at the cut-out peach you'll see that the inside is a pink-purple veined white - it's what we call "pêche de vigne" in French, vine peach or vineyard peach. This very tasty late-season peach ripens at the same time as grapes, hence its name. The second reason for the name is that this peach being particularly sensitive to
Uncinula necator, a type of fungus that causes powdery mildew in grapes, some wine makers traditionally planted a few of those peach trees in their vineyards in order to be warned of the disease and treat their vines in time. I have been told that vineyard peaches aren't grown in North America. Is that true ?
Pommes, raisin, tomates, figues et pêches de vigne : abondance automnale sur mon plateau de fruits. Je n'ai pas pu résister au plaisir de tout sortir sur ma terrasse pour une séance photos.
Nathalie, I will be over shortly with the baguettes and cheese (and wine, of course)!
What a delicious looking photo -- miam-miam.
That is a beautiful photograph...positively painterly.
Oh Genie you're a genius - come on over with the wine, we'll grab the cheese and baguette from Les Halles just a block away and we'll have a feast !!!!
Giulia, you're invited!
Bonjour! Nathalie...
All I can think of is one word...abundance!
Merci,for sharing...
By the way, both photographs are very...beautiful too!
DeeDee ;-D
With some wine. With some cheese. With some friends!
On en mangerait! Une belle nature... vivante!
Oh that all looks truly scrumptious... will be happy to join the others in trotting right over with a bottle or two, or three, and cheese, and pain poilane, and we could wear togas and lounge about on reclining chairs sipping and munching on figs and peaches and grapes... mmm, delicious images and flavours and scents come to mind...
Am just back today after three weeks away... so nice to get out and see what's going on in Avignon, even if it hints of total roman empire debauchery...
superbe, et les figues vont être chaudes de soleil
ah!... delectable fruits and especially those purple figs mmm...
Jolie compo, Nathalie !
Tomates, raisin, ok.
Pour les pommes, pas de trop; ça me colle mal à l'estomac et quant aux figues, beurk ! Enfin, je veux dire que je n'aime pas ça.
Ce sont les pêches de vigne et les figues que je préfère.
Moitaussi Bichel! :-)
que les fruits d'automne sont beaux ! magnifique plateau !
bon appétit, c'est un plein de
vitamines !
So, so beautiful, Nathelie! May I have some figs please? Thank you for this feast for the eyes.
Juste envie de croquer une pêche de vigne, je vous laisse les figues!
j'arrive !!!
Et dire que la gourmandise est un péché!
Nathalie, I'm back and see that we have some people to join us. Pass me the figs that Claude does not want, svp. How fun would it be to meet all of your wonderful readers for a party!
Kif-kif, Nathalie ! Figues et pêches de vigne.
Et du muscat aussi ;-)
Me too,please!!!
Et elles sont où les sept rouges poires?
En fait de poires, on a eu des nèfles !
Et après, des scoubidous ?
Euh pardon mais vos mouchards sont terribles, les boys.
J'ai préparé un post à l'avance et je l'ai fait mis en ligne par erreur, retiré immédiatement. Avant l'heure, c'est pas l'heure. Les sept poires rouges c'est pour dimanche, j'ai dit.
Demain y'aura... ben vous verrez bien, c'est dans moins de deux heures.
C'est le chiffre 7.
Il est dangereux à manipuler...
Oh quelle jolie lumière ! Miam !!!
I"m right behind Genie! This is a still life fit for someone's brush. Your photograph is a work of art as well.
No, they don't plant peach trees (here in California, at least) in the vineyard--they use heirloom rose varieties that also are susceptible to powdery mildew & provide the warning. Like canaries in the coal mines. Very pretty, too, planted @ the end of the rows....
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