Sunday 14 December 2008

Comparing apples...

Comparing apples with apples: Depending on where you buy them, the difference in price and quality can be huge even if all are grown in Provence.
Above in an upmarket street, rue Saint Agricol: "délice d'or" organic apples at 3.40 euros a kilo - very nicely displayed with pine branches and red Christmas wrapping paper.
Below at "le petit marché" in rue Thiers, small caliber apples with small defects all at 0.95 euros a kilo no matter what type you choose (reine de reinette, golden, granny smith, red delicious, pink lady).
So, where do YOU buy your apples?

Où achetez-vous vos pommes ? La différence de prix et de qualité peut être énorme, même si toutes sont originaires de Provence :
Ci-dessus : une boutique haut de gamme dans la rue Saint Agricol : pommes bio "délice d'or" 3,40 euro le kilo, très joliment présentées avec des branches de sapin et du papier rouge de Noël.
Ci-dessous : au "petit marché" rue Thiers, des pommes de petit calibre avec de petits défauts 0,95 euro le kilo toutes variétés confondues (reine de reinette, golden, granny smith, red delicious, pink lady).
Et vous, où achetez-vous vos pommes ?


Maria said...

Ha, my husband spent some time at the marke on Friday, choosing some old sorts of apples which you only get at the farmer's market!
Love your beautiful Venice photos! The atmosphere is so wonderful! I love Venice so very much but have not been there for some year. Hm, thanks for sharing your pictures!

Brigetoun said...

et la marchande est charmante

Babzy.B said...

Il faut vraiment faire attention au prix ,les plus chères ne sont pas forcément les meilleures !

Linda said...

I would like to say 'at a market', but of course it's at the supermarket most of the year. But every autumn we get apples from my father in the north of Scotland - old Scottish varieties suited to our climate!
I do balk at the supermarket apples - your post makes me think that we should investigate joining an organic box scheme. Longer term we plan to grow apples at our allotment.

Choosing between your two photos, I'd go for the cheaper option (apres tout, les ecossais sont reputes etre radin). But I might buy one beautiful apple from the beautifully decorated stall, just for the pleasure of the purchase.

Anonymous said...

Chez mon cordonnier !!!

Adam said...

Now although I love living in France and truly appreciate the quality of food here, it is hard to find a nice apple. I think they are better the further north they are grown, so I'll leave your apples from Provence (you still have your herbs and grapes!) and I'll take a nice Cox's Orange Pippen from England!

Anonymous said...

Pas plus tard qu'hier soir, chez Tristan le cordonnier, il en avait découpé quelques unes à goûter, dehors sur une assiette, et elles étaient vraiment délicieuses, et à 1€ le kilo!
A ne pas manquer!
Ma soupe carottes-lentilles qui cuit en bas fait monter un parfum pas possible, je file manger!
Bon appétit!

Sharon said...

Apples aren't grown in any quantity in Arizona so I have to get them from the supermarket. I think those small apples would be just fine for making a nice apple dessert.

Daniel Chérouvrier said...

les meilleures - en très petite quantité - proviennent de mon jardin.
Je deviens de plus en plus voltairien en vieillissant.

Nathalie H.D. said...

Merci à mes chers voisins Anne et Michel : mes prochaines pommes, je les achèterai chez mon cordonnier!

PeterParis said...

Now when you made me aware about the enormous price differences, I will start to be more careful! I should change my unconscious way of shopping!

Fashion Schlub said...

the bounty plentiful and beautiful!

Virginia said...

Well you know we mainly have big supermarkets where it takes forever to do your shopping going up and down the aisles. I loved the way the produce was displayed in Paris. So much more appealing to the eye! I would never be tempted to take my camera into a supermarket here. In Paris? Oh yes, yes, especially the street markets!
PS that is a huge difference in prices you are right.

Kris McCracken said...

Some great colour here.

Bergson said...

Moi je vais les cueillir dans une ferme bio et je les paye pile poil à mi chemin entre tes 2 prix.

3.40 € le kilo de pommes le caviar va être donné cette année

Olivier said...

j'achete mes pommes en ete dans un champs ou l'on peut les cueillir soit meme et l'hiver dans un marché bio (malheureusement pas a evry)

Shutterup-Shutterbug said...

When I was in Paris, I couldn't help but snap pictures of the farmer's markets. The produce was so beautiful - not like here in America. These pics brought back some beautiful memories of my first and only trip to Europe. Love your pics!

USelaine said...

Nathalie, these are fanny packs.

jordaenne said...

chère Nathalie. C'est magnifique votre photo et l'idée.Oui les fruits de la vie sont les meilleurs cadeaux du monde.



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