Avignon, rue Pasteur

Graffiti takes to the street in a new manner, covering the bitumen rather than the walls. What do you think of it?
Les graffitis s'invitent dans la rue d'une nouvelle manière, couvrant le bitume plutot que les murs. Qu'en pensez-vous ?
J'ai un à priori plus favorable à ceux là qu'à ceux sur des murs de pierres anciennes ou des portes en bois...
du bien - surtout ceux là plutôt réussis - et je préfère les voir là, en décor, que sur les fresques
I like it. But of course it's more art-like than someone's spray-painted name or gang reference.
Hi Nathalie !
Have been very absent, am out in Brittany for a week. Well, that is certainly more interesting than the usual boring old "ralentisseur" paint scheme... Hope all is well in Avignons, greetings from Carantec !
I love it! I always see it on walls but never on the street. Nice post!
Beaux tatouages !
Il me semble reconnaître la patte de Goddog, mais je peux me tromper...
If they do enough of it on the pavement, maybe it will last longer. I would rather it be there than on the side of my building. Some graffiti over here is worse than porn.
pas mauvaise idée du tout ;)
I think it's a kind of very meaningful art, unless it's insulting towards people...
yes I agree better on the pavement than on the walls - but maybe harder to spray paint .
Bonjour! Nathalie,
The graffiti is beautiful it almost looks like Hieroglyphs...
...Personally, I would prefer to see it on the (butimen
paved) street than spray-painted on a building.
Merci, pour le partage!
DeeDee ;-D
I like this because I don't get the sense that the artist was trying to be destructive in any way. It also looks like he/she put some thought and effort into it. I am reminded a bit of Joan Miro.
I wouldn't mind seeing this sort of thing in my area of the US. There's an angry element in most of the street "art" you see here.
Interesting... J'ai pas vu ça.
Je hope tu have passé some enivrantes holidays loin of les motors à explosion !
Gros kisses
Looks great on the second photo, although it feels like it's in the wrong part of the city.
I like it and it's not defacing someone's building.
Et non Tilia...ce n'est pas moi qui est fait cela...!!!
Je ne sais pas qui c'est..mais alors pas du tout...Bonne chance pour votre enquête Mme Christie...!!
Ps: Moi aussi je préférais le fond d'avant...je vais le changer...!!! ;)
Merci pour cette mise au point, GoddoG. On reste donc sur notre faim... toute piste pour aider notre détective privé à reprendre l'enquête sera la bienvenue !
i like it! it seems you have quite some street art in france...
if its well done, i like it...
C'est plutôt réussi. J'aime beaucoup.
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