Wednesday 3 November 2010

Chopin & champagne

Restaurant Belgocargo, 10 place des chataignes, Avignon. Tel 04 90 85 72 99
Cherry tomatoes, champagne, gripping hand in glass.
Tomates cerises, champagne, main emprisonnée sous verre.

I'm sure you'll agree that Chopin piano works and champagne go together well. We had a lovely evening last Monday as fellow blogger Michel Benoit celebrated the third anniversary of his Avignon blog. A few friends gathered at the Belgocargo restaurant (normally closed on Mondays but opened just for us) to enjoy a glass of champagne and some wonderful piano and violin played by three talented young musicians : Axel Benoit, Michelle Hun and Frederic Chaine. In a cosy and friendly atmosphere the Belgocargo restaurant specializes in mussels and fries served with Belgian beer and generous helpings of live music. Check out Belgocargo's page on My space for the programme of coming sessions and to listen to some of the great music recorded there, among which a beautiful jazzy rendition of Autumn Leaves.

Chopin et champagne vont bien ensemble, je suis sûre que vous en conviendrez. Jolie fête lundi soir en l'honneur des trois ans du blog avignonnais de mon ami Michel Benoit. Pour l'occasion le Belgocargo, d'habitude fermé le lundi, a ouvert pour nous. Chaleureuse, familiale, la soirée était animée au piano et au violon par trois talentueux jeunes musiciens : Axel Benoit, Murielle Hun et Frédéric Chaine. Que du bonheur. La spécialité du restaurant le Belgocargo, ce sont les moules-frites accompagnées de bière belge et d'une généreuse rasade de musique live. Cliquez sur leur page My space pour le programme à venir et des enregistrements live des soirées passées dont une belle version jazzy des Feuilles mortes.


Mary Howell Cromer said...


Brigetoun said...

superbes - beau souvenir

Virginia said...

Congratualations to Michel!!! And what a grand way for you all to help him celebrate. I did have to giggle at the plate of cherry tomatoes sitting there. Doesn't seem like something you all would nibble on. More like a "southern thing"! LOL

Owen said...

A "loovely" evening, and open just "fur" us... ? Either someone is taking the mickey or else someone had a spot of Belgian beer above the generally accepted limits for safe typing. Or maybe belgian beer and champagne ? Good thing the orthographic police weren't around.

Sounds like a lovely time Nathalie, wish we could have heard it... and seen it... and drank it...

Chuck Pefley said...

Sounds like a really fun evening. Fortunate to have the restaurant to yourselves. I'm envious and would have enjoyed being there.

Michel Benoit said...

Encore un beau souvenir !
Beau résultat dans ces conditions d'éclairage difficiles.
Maintenant on va penser à la prochaine fête... !

Nathalie H.D. said...

Virginia - cherry tomatoes and olives are quite often served with pre-dinner drinks in France, they provide a healthy alternative to chips and other fatty snack food!

0wen - ooh dear, I must have been really tired when I wrote this. I corrected both typos so my next readers won't see it but I must say I quite liked the restaurant being open just "fur" us - it gives an idea of the luxury it was to have the place to ourselves :-)

In case it wasn't clear to all, Axel Benoit (the pianist in my photo) is Michel Benoit's son. Isn't it lovely to have your son come and play some music at the party you're giving?

Nathalie H.D. said...

Au cas où cela n'aurait pas été évident, Axel Benoit (le pianiste sur ma photo) est le fils de Michel Benoit (le blogueur).
N'est-ce pas magnifique que votre fils et ses amis viennent animer la soirée que vous donnez pour vos amis?

rauf said...

'if you recognise yourself in one of my photos and do not wish to appear on my blog, please let me know - the photo will be removed immediately'

oh how i love to be in your pictures Nathalie, evnoying the evening in a stylish restaurant with delicious food and divine music. But i am very satisfied with your description and pictures, its like being there in person. Thank you Nathalie

ratatouille's archives said...

Bonjour Nathalie...
Merci, for sharing the description of what happened at the restaurant, the links and the very nice photographs...the people in your photographs look like they were having..."fun" too!
DeeDee ;-D

Karine said...

J'adore les photo des tomates à travers le verre, quelle idée géniale!

chri said...

Tes images disent bien ce que devait être la chaleur de la soirée!!!

jeff said...

Les voilà les fameux rebels de en avignon ! ! !
Quoique la musique de chambre m'a toujours plu ! Surtout dans les sons aigus...:)


( mais quel con çuilà alors ! ! ! )

jeff said...

Ya pas bobos au moins ?

jeandler said...

Sympa! Very.

Diane said...

What a fabulous blog - my son has been to Avignon, and its certainly on my list of places to visit. I love your photos.

Anonymous said...

warm & inviting

i would love to visit

× × ×


Bergson said...

est ce que le petit etait le chanteur ?


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