Friday 2 September 2011

Holding the fort

Fort St André, Villeneuve-lès-AvignonTall grass besieging St Andrew's fort right across from Avignon on the other side of the Rhone river. This post participates in Skywatch Friday. Click here to see more skies around the world.

Herbes hautes à l'assaut du fort St André. Ce billet est ma participation à Skywatch Friday, les ciels du vendredi.
Cliquez ici pour voir d'autres cieux tout autour du globe.


Dina said...

Pour boiling oil down on the attackers?

Harry Cover said...

Well done, Nathalie !

Sarah Tatin said...

Gorgeous !

Michel Benoit said...

Il doit faire beau là-haut.

ATrainToNowhere said...


Thérèse said...

Sans desherbant c'est gagne d'avance!

Owen said...

An image from another age, another time... which is maybe why it says it was posted on Sunday 4 September, though it's only Friday 2 September right now... wow, how did you slip this into the future, when it seems so clearly from the distant past... some sort of sorcery going on up in that tower I would wager... A fine weeked to you, even if you are already clear through to Sunday evening...

Nathalie H.D. said...

Owen - the date indeed showed Sunday 4th September but then I'm not sure how it went up this morning. I had another post planned for today. Some sort of hiccup I guess. All fixed now so my new readers won't understand why the hell you mentioned Sunday. They'll think you're demented LOL

jeandler said...

Les avoines folles
la tour prend garde
à l'assaut, à l'assaut !

Siddhartha Joshi said...

Nice, great to see flowers with fort!

Anonymous said...

magnifique photo,et le beau ciel bleu c'est aussi à l'assaut...

Chubskulit Rose said...

Gorgeous sky shots!

Sky watching on One Fine Afternoon, you are welcome to visit. Have a nice weekend!

Lesley said...

Nice of you to roll around in the wildflowers to get this perspective!

Kim, USA said...

Wow a very amazing sight. Lovely!

My Sunset

Laura said...

beautiful perspective!

JoeinVegas said...

And summer flowers in the tall grass too

Leif Hagen said...

It's difficult to hide a fort in even tall grass, non?
I love this photo - I'd feel like a prince to live there!


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