Friday, 1 April 2016

Festival Escales Voyageuses Avignon 2016

Le merveilleux festival annuel Escales Voyageuses (projections, animations, expos, rencontres) organisé par l'association ADM (Aventure et Découverte du Monde), c'est ce week-end et j'y serai.  Découvrez tout le programme en cliquant ici
Si vous êtes dans le coin, venez nous rejoindre !

My beloved Globe Trotters Festival (now renamed Travel Calls festival) is this weekend. I'll be there and I wish you were there too. A great chance to see the world through the eyes of passionate young and not so young adventurous travellers. The programme is here.


William Kendall said...

Have fun!

Bob Crowe said...

And I do wish I could attend. We can never run out of places to explore.

Petrea Burchard said...

It looks exciting!

claude said...

Bon festival, Nathalie !

Helen said...

I most certainly would love to be there! Enjoy!


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