Monday is market day in the village of Bedoin, some 15 km from my home. At 11 am terrace cafés are crowded. Those who stroll along like me only have to click, there's no shortage of scenes worth capturing!
Talking about cafes I saw Woody Allen's Cafe Society last week. Can't say I was really enthralled. The story is as old as humanity: you're with someone and you fall in love with someone else : will you leave the old for the new? The story might as well go one way or the other because the characters are far too superficial for us to predict anything. In fact the one thing that made me burst out laughing was the Jewish mother from NYC who said to her son : "live each day of your life as if it were your last - one day it will be true"!

A propos de café, j'ai vu 'Cafe Society' de Woody Allen la semaine dernière. Pour moi une histoire d'amour un peu convenue qui tourne autour d'un thème vieux comme le monde : vous êtes en couple et vous tombez amoureux/se de quelqu'un d'autre, vous quittez le/la légitime pour le nouvel amour ou non ? L'histoire peut aussi bien basculer d'un côté ou de l'autre car les personnages ont trop peu d'épaisseur psychologique pour qu'on puisse le prédire. En fait la scène qui m'a fait éclater de rire c'est la mère juive de New York qui dit à son fils "vis chaque jour de ta vie comme si c'était le dernier, un jour ce sera vrai" !
That does make for a fun shot!
J'ai cliqué, mais il ne s'est rien passé...
Je n'ai pas dû déambuler assez. o.O
« ...boire un verre entre amis à la terrasse d'un café ? »
Litote ou euphémisme ? C'est le Far West !!!
Bedoin's saloon? Cela dit, l'endroit ombré de vieux platanes est très agréable!!!
An animated discussion is fun to watch and to photograph.
A little crystal of French village live. The man on the left could be American.
The quote sure sounds like New York Jewish shtick. I wonder how many similar phrases were actually spoken. I'm a New Yorker but my family was Irish-Polish and Catholic so I can't say for sure.
Merci for always sharing in both French and English. I have so much to learn, but I want to parle Francais!
Ici aussi le samedi du marché, les cafés sont pleins et les terrasses aussi quand le temps le permet.
Bedoin is not N.Y. City
The cowboy character doesn't quite fit, but people watching is fun.
I agree, Helen. I have no idea how this character ended up there. There aren't many like him here!
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