After yesterday's new male, an image of the female condition today: from glamour lipstick and floor mop, is it the same alienation? On this 1st of May, Labour day in France, I pay tribute to all women at work.
Après la nouvel homme hier, la condition des femmes aujourd'hui : du rouge à lèvres à la serpillère, est-ce la même aliénation ? En ce 1er mai, fête du travail, je rends hommage au travail des femmes.
Zoom out. This stylish all-white restaurant called la compagnie des comptoirs reopened a couple of months ago after extensive (and expensive) refurbishment. On the right-hand side wall, what looks like portholes are actually round convex mirrors reflecting the windows across the room.
I did not eat there so I cannot comment on the food, only on the decor: flashy. Some like it.
Zoom arrière. Ce luxueux restaurant tout blanc nommé la compagnie des comptoirs a réouvert il y a environ deux mois après d'énormes et coîteux travaux de transformation. Sur le mur de droite, ce qui ressemble à des hublots sont en fait des miroirs ronds et convexes qui reflètent la lumière des fenêtres d'en face. Je n'ai pas mangé là, je ne commenterai donc que la déco : bling bling. Il y en a que ça séduit.
-----------------on photo restaurant la compagnie des comptoirs
And as a follow-up on yesterday's theme I suggest you visit Chuckeroon in Richmond Upon Thames: he just posted a humorous photo of a man "in touch with his aesthetic side"... I think you'll enjoy it!
--- Et en poursuite du thème d'hier allez donc voir Chuckeroon à Richmond-upon-Thames (GB) : il vient de poster une photo très humoristique d'un "homme au sens esthétique développé qui s'intéresse aux soins du corps".photo restaurant
Bravo! Happy May Day, Nathalie.
Message from a slack visitor (mostly due to the technology): fascinating, blew me away! although I would'nt feel at home there at all. bling bling translanted as flashy - well I never,so cute!
May Day took precedence so 'Here's to workers! Do you recall 'your rights at work' campaign hereabouts? Work Choices has been expunged now.
c'est vraiment tres beau et tres graphique. Sur la premiere photo on pourrait se croire dans un musée.
That's an amazing space ... looks like something out of a science fiction movie sort of akin to George Orwells 1984 image of "Big Brother is Watching", but the female version. Not sure I'd really like to eat here. Cool photo, though and the woman with the mop is a nice touch.
The mop and the bling fit so nicely together! What's more B&W could never capture the essence of this scene.
I'm intrigued by the latest French example of adapting an English word to mean something slightly different (we of course do the same with French).
Nathalie....I'm often accused of being flashy, but never Bling!!
Tks for the link...I have reciprocated.
Very stylish indeed though it looks a bit dark as a restaurant. And very photogenic.
Non, je ne dirai rien.
Et la carte plaisante ???
There have been several comments on my translation of "bling bling" in French by "flashy" in English. I'm not sure it is appropriate. Is anyone outside France familiar with the current use of "bling bling" in reference to our President, Nicolas Sarkozy? In his first year in office he has repeatedly been accused of being attracted to the jetset world rather than keeping the distance and respectability one would expect from the "President de la République". His wedding to Carla Bruni didn't help.
I believe this place looks like one of these jetset joints. Had your heard of bling bling before ? Is 'flashy' an appropriate translation?
I saw this earlier and assumed you weren't doing Theme Day - so great we have two for the price of one. This is just beautiful. And hey, so was Chuckeroon's I thought...
Awesome shots, and good for you paying tribute to working women.
What fantastic pictures. Beautifully seen, beautifully caught.
This is very touching how you've added the woman cleaning contrasted by the fancy, glamorous restaurant.
I like the red lipstick- chic-and the lady cleaning the floor--nice photo.
Designer dining - I prefer the traditional brasserie I must confess but if I lived in France it might be different. I can't imagine having a lively conversation over food in places like this - they always make me feel that the place is taking itself too seriously and that if you drop some crumbs on the table you are guilty of a crime against style. I'd find the the constant gaze at the end of the room a bit unnerving as well.
Great photos, having said that, especially the first one
Lipstick pour les hommes, lipstick miehille chantait en finnois le regretté Balavoine.
Une ambiance bien froide qui donne l'impression d'un verre de vodka glacée. Il y a mieux pour ouvrir l'appétit ! Mais cela méritait certainement la photo.
Love the lighting in this space as well as your perspective in photographing it.
Superbe , autant par la compo les lumières, le thème ... bravo !
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