Do you remember my cherry tree in bloom of April 2nd? Here's the same tree again - photo taken yesterday around 6 pm. It's an enormous tree that sits at the fork of two tiny country roads in the fertile plains of Villeneuve lez Avignon. No fence. Too good to resist! In the half-hour I spent there taking photos (and yes, eating too!) I saw half a dozen groups of people stop by for a quick pick : kids on their bikes, joggers, walkers, workers at the end of a hard day, all enjoying the magic taste of 'stolen' fruit eaten on the spot, under the tree. Could this be happiness?
avignon photos cerises cerisiers cherries cherry tree
Ah le goût de la première cerise de l'année, croquée aussitôt cueillie !
Vous souvenez-vous des énormes floraisons blanches de mon cerisier du 2 avril ? Eh bien revoilà le même cerisier, photo prise hier soir vers 18h. C'est un arbre énorme planté juste au coin de deux minuscules routes de campagne dans la plaine fertile de Villeneuve lez Avignon. Pas de clôture. Trop tentant pour résister ! Dans la demi-heure que j'ai passée là a prendre des photos (et à croquer, oui, aussi !) j'ai vu une demi-douzaine de petits groupes s'arrêter pour picorer quelques cerises avant de reprendre leur chemin : des enfants à vélo, des joggeurs, des marcheurs, des employés rentrant de leur journée de travail, tous unis dans le plaisir du fruit dégusté sur place au pied de l'arbre. Ca doit être ça, le bonheur.
avignon photo cerises cerisiers cherries cherry trees
Oh, quelle belle photo, Nathalie. Reminds me of my grandmother's cherry trees. As a child I used to climb up and sit in one tree or the other and swallow as many sour cherries (hers were sour) as I could, and see how far I could spit the seeds. Occasionally I'd find just the seed hanging on the stem; imagine a bird picked at the fruit's flesh.
Bibi I agree, fruit picked straight from the tree often triggers wonderful childhood memories. I wish every child could have such memories. I sometimes worry about those who spend their times in front of computer games with no access to 'real life' pleasures.
What a fabulous shot! Just gorgeous (and mouth-watering!)
hmmmm looks so yummy!!! :)
Yes this can really be happiness! These cherries look "perfect". Hope and trust that the cherry year will be better than 2007, when it was difficult to ge good ones! Seeing these ones, it looks promising! (I can eat kilos of them!)
You are about two or three weeks ahead of us in weather. It is still often cold here but warms some during the day. My old cherry tree is some 20-25 years old and most of it is dead but there is still parts alive and that bloomed this spring and now there are green cherries on the tree. I am anxious to see if I can taste a real cherry again or one more time. They are so good.
Your photograph of these cherries is stunning to see.
This post is delicious! I am really wondering now if I can find cherries already at the supermarket. I am afraid the craving will be with me all day...
Beautiful post, Nathalie!
That is a great photo! The cherries are such a bright red!
My grandparents had orange trees and we would always catch people who were out walking, sneak over and take an orange!
WOW! You already have cherries???? Here we don't have them yet, they are small (very small) and still green!
Happiness indeed Nathalie and you've given me an idea. I've never actually eaten a cherry straight from the tree and that's quite ridiculous when you think that I live very close to one of the biggest cherry producing areas in our state. So, before I die, I'm going to do just that - eat one from the tree.
April 2 to May 18 - about 6-1/2 weeks from blossom to ready-to-eat fruit. Isn't nature wonderful?
The glossiness of the fruit in your photo makes me really want one. That is good photography!
cela me rappelle les grands cerisiers dans le jardin de mes grands parents, il fallait se battre avec les oiseaux pour avoir droit a sa part, mais c'était tellement bon, et puis en clafoutis.......hummmm
Great photos. Looks like I could just pluck one for myself!
Bravo, Nathalie. Wonderful images here...those cherries and the railway station. Nature and architecture helped, but you've made superb images.
Très belle photo Nathalie. Ton cerisier du 2 avril est plus en avance que le mien.
mmmm....really want to eat them!
Very photo!
Oh wow, those cherries look fantastic. We're heading into winter now, so no blossoming trees here, unfortunately. I think I'll have to spend a whole lot more time on the northern hemisphere blogs to warm up my chilly toes - nothing wrong with that though, is there? ;-)
Comme elles brillent ces belles cerises...Tu les a frottees avec un petit chiffon avant de prendre la photo ou quoi??..! ;~))
You trigger some wonderful memories with your text and the picture...
I agree with Olivier ..
mmmm.... those homemade clafoutis!!
Those are perfect looking cherries. Almost ripe, too. Enjoy!
Wouaouh ! This is as for the roses of the other day: Sologne is much later than Avignon ;-(
I still don't have any fruit on my cherry tree...
Je ne suis pas d'un naturel jalousx mais tout de même !!
En plus pas le moindre petit merle à l'horizon pour en manger la moitié
Bouge pas je t'en envoie une dizaine
votre photo est riche comme toujours. riche en les couleurs vibrantes ,riche en la nature et riche en la texture de la vie du peuple d'Avignon.
Oh ce qu'elles sont belles! Irrésistibles. Aussitot cueillies, aussitot mangées... Tu m'étonnes! :))
et il n'y a pas de fruitier autour d'ici mais je vole les lilas.
These are delicious and beautiful!
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