Saturday 1 November 2008

Cycle-in book store

Rue des marchands
Today 1st of November is Theme Day for City Daily Photo bloggers and today's theme is books and reading. Isn't it a cool thing to do to cycle up to your favourite bookshop to choose your next read? To see how books feature in other peoples lives around the world, click here for thumbnails of all participants.

Aujourd'hui 1er Novembre est journée à thème pour les blogueurs du réseau City Daily Photo et le thème est "livres et lecture". J'ai aimé cette librairie ouverte qui permet aux chalands de choisir leurs livres sans descendre de vélo. Pour voir comment la lecture s'insère ailleurs dans la vie des habitants du monde, cliquez ici pour des photos miniatures de toutes les villes participantes.
A special on mediterranean food with books about moroccan cuisine, spanish cuisine and couscous.
Exotisme méditerranéen: la cuisine du Maghreb, le couscous, la cuisine du Maroc, la cuisine espagnole.


Kate said...

Cycle in and cycle out! What a great way to illustrate two healthy activities: biking and books!

Virginia said...

Cycling is out pour moi, but reading is NOT. I love books and reading to children and myself. Grand shots today for our theme.

Anonymous said...

Very French! Great one as always Nathalie! Cheers!

Jules said...

You are lucky. Here there are no book shops - not even a library, so I didn't bother joining the theme this month!!!

USelaine said...

Hooray for mixing books and bikes! It's been years since I had Moroccan food, but I loved it.

Jilly said...

How fabulous to have a bookstore you can walk a bike into! And wonderful selection of cookbooks. I have a couple and use the tajine from time to time.

Anonymous said...

Avec Remy on est de fidèles clients de cette librairie même si on y va juste à pied!

Uma por Dia said...

Very original choice! A fast reader!

Bergson said...

Je sens que tu vas nous faire une tajine ou un couscous pour ce week end !!
Par contre je ne t'avais pas reconnue en vélo

Sally said...

Do you think she'd get away with a few laps around the shop? As a big cous cous fan I wouldn't mind that one!

(I wondered if you might show us Mr Grumpy at the foreign languages bookshop!)

Emiliane said...

Nourriture divine que la cuisine ... l'inspiration vient en feuilletant ces livres, reste le tour de main.
Bonne journée ..

Anonymous said...

I think that is a novel idea. Cycle in. A bright cheerful theme day post.

I forgot about theme day today so I just found some of the books I wrote and took a photo and published that. Too late to be included in the group but it worked for me. LOL

Tanya Breese said...

That is a cool shop! That little lady doesn't look like she just hopped off that bike though ;)

Marie-Noyale said...

J'adore toucher les livres et je crois que je serais tres encombrée avec mon velo dans les mains!!
Bonne cuisine ce WE!!

Belgrade Daily Photo said...

Neat picture, such a rugged bike for a little lady.

Chuck Pefley said...

I, too, enjoy browsing books outside the entrance of bookstores. Feels like getting to look without being committed to action unless something of interest is found. A pleasant diversion.

Love your Harry Potter post from yesterday. I'm still scratching my head regarding the hat positions ... I suspect they were suspended from the ceiling and you patiently waited for the right juxtaposition?

claude said...

C'esu une lecture qui fait grossir !!! Heureusement la Dame fait du vélo !
Je ne suis pas du réseau CDP mais on peut lire aussi chez moi. Sujet plus grave.

Webradio said...

Sans descendre de vélo ? Tu es sûre ???
Je Te taquine...

Belle photo, car rare !

Linda said...

Mouthwatering! I'd like the one about couscous, please! La correspondante francaise de ma fille nous a fait cadeaux d'un beau livre sur la cuisine de Bordeaux. Nous allons tenter les canneles, que ma fille a deguste avec plaisir a Bordeaux.

Jill said...

Such a great post for theme day Nathalie. I love the lady with her bike, wearing a skirt and nylons! And all those inticing food books.

PJ said...

Two of my favorite pastimes in one photo! I would love to bike up to a table of good books.

 gmirage said...

Very nice, just dont cycle out with the book not paying =D

Happy theme day!

slim said...

Biking and booking . . . this is a great catch. That bike looks well seasoned.

slim said...

Biking and booking . . . this is a great catch. That bike looks well seasoned.

Janet Kincaid said...

What a perfect combination. Here's to reading and bicycling!

Happy Theme Day!

Dina said...

It's just too bad you can't read while riding a bike. :)
A whole book about couscous?
A lovely post, like all your posts. I got a kick out of your shark impersonation.

Anonymous said...

Reviens vite, le Rhône a envie de déborder....

Olivier said...

une bonne idée, je ne connaissais le drive-book ;o)

N said...

Quand je vois d'aussi belles byciclette, ça me donne envie d'aller faire un tour en Europe! (bientôt, j'espère)... Ici les vélo n'ont que très rarement des garde-boues et il nous a fallu faire plein de bricolage pour avoir des vélo équipés pour se déplacer tous les jours!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...
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Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

t's my first-time visit to your site and I loved it. I've always been intrigued with the area of Provence... now I can catch vicarious glimpses through your wonderful photos.

As another commenter said, It's too bad you can't bike and read at the same time. Which reminds me, as a young girl I once tried reading and practicing my piano lesson at the same time... I thought it worked well, but my mom did not! (smile)


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