Rempart des allées de l'Oulle
Oh what a divine surprise to find along Avignon's remparts a shrub of bottlebrush, a flower for me deeply associated with Australia! The
Bottlebrush (
Callistemon) comprises 34 species, the majority of which are endemic to Australia (four species are also found in New Caledonia). They are commonly referred to as
bottlebrushes because of their cylindrical, brush like flowers resembling a traditional bottle brush. They are found in the more temperate regions of Australia, mostly along the east coast and south-west. I'm dedicating this post to my two dearest blogging friends downunder,
m.benaut in Adelaide and
Sally in Sydney.
Oh quelle belle surprise de trouver le long des remparts d'Avignon un Callistemon, fleur pour moi complètement associée à l'Australie ! Le Callistemon comprend 34 espèces dont la majorité est originaire d'Australie (quatre se trouvent aussi en Nouvelle Calédonie). On les appelle communément bottlebrush car les fleurs disposées en forme de cylindre ressemblent furieusement à un écouvillon. On les trouve dans les régions les plus tempérées de l'Australie, sur la côte est et dans le sud-ouest. Je dédie ce billet à mes deux meilleurs amis bloggeurs australiens, m.benaut à Adelaide et Sally à Sydney.
To me personally these are deeply associated with San Francisco, which does have many, many plants and trees that are native to Australia (eucalyptus being a noted example). Great photo.
Really gorgeous both the flower & the background & nicely dedicated. Got those in PV too along with splendid eucalyptus trees without which the peninsula would look very dull. I'll have to take a picture of a nice grove soo.
Wonderful dedication and a great photograph. Simply beautiful!
I'm surprised not every single blogger hasn't commented on this stunning photo. I remember these flowers from the US and France. Don't see many here, come to think of it. Gorgeous.
Je ne dirais pas que c'est ma fleur préférée... mais j'aime qu'Avignon soit attentive à nous offrir des parterres si bien entretenus et surtout j'admire ces immenses pelouses à cet endroit où il n'y avait il y a quelques années que d'infâmes parkings!
Je connais bien cette gfleur, j'en vois quant je vais à la martinique. Chez nous et là-bas elles sont appelées affectivement rince-bouteilles.
Il y en a d'autre un peu dans le même genre qui sont des Moustaches de Chat.
J'ai vu m.Benaut en baignade dans la grande bleue. Je ne demande s'il n'avait pas un feu forcé sur le bon vin du midi !
Bon week-end Nathalie !
Pour le goupillon rince-bouteille, j'ai l'habitude de dire : écouvillon...
Mais oui bien sûr cher voisin, comme tu as raison. Je corrige tout de suite. J'aime utiliser le mot juste.
It does look like my wife's bottle brush. Neat.
I think this is my first trip to your blog since yesterday or the day before. It is cold this morning – 13 degree Fahrenheit = -10.5555556 degree Celsius.
If I were just walking past you on the street I would probably smile and nod my head and think you were carrying a real bottle brush. LOL
As I approached Avignon with its marvellous ramparts on the Boulevard de l'Oulle and Rue du Rempart Saint Roch, I was so occupied with finding the right gate to enter the old city that I must have sped past these beautiful Bottlebrushes.
The following day I was so transfixed with my walk sur le Pont d'Avignon I completely forgot to head a few paces downstream to look at them.
There are so many things that a tourist omits when l'on y danse sur un si beau pont, that It breaks my heart.
Can you please submit my profound regret to them?
Next time I will dance a far better dance.
Vraiment jolie cette photo !
Couldn't miss this in the portal, Nathalie. And what a shot, the beautiful bottle brush with the remparts in the background. Fantastic! And a lovely pressie to the Benauts and Sally.
I love this photo. Bottlebrush grows in Arizona too. It is used in many landscape themes here.
Despite their name, please leave them where they are! Don't use them as bottlebrush! Your photo is really nice, but to see them in nature is important!
magnifique photo.
le rouge et vert c'est urgent.
Ta photo est tellement belle que pour un peu, j'en viendrais presque à aimer les rince-bouteilles (on met un "s" ou pas? Allez, j'en mets un). Un peu trop sophistiquée pour moi, cette fleur...
Sais-tu qu'on parlait de toi dans certains restaurants parisiens ces derniers jours? Mais que du bien, je te rassure ;-)
Thankyou so much! This a a gorgeous photo too.
Re The Sculptures - it was almost with reluctance I had to draw it to a close - a month on one topis - a long time. BUT because I was there at dawn, I do have some more photos saved for Skywatch Fridays, so they will pop up for a while yet. And today being Sunday I can spend some time uploading "the rest" to Daily Photo Extra and trying to find completion!
Thanks for your enthusiasm and support; in fact the number of visitors who have found the exhibition interesting ad enthused about it is terrific - it's great to see Sydney gets it right sometimes.
I try to look each month when the glossy mag in the Herald comes out at all the interesting events around Sydney, but of course I usually can't get to them - I know you understand juts how BIG Sydney is, and while I work fulltime and try to enjoy faily life too, it's all a bit much!
Which is why instead of being out and about, I spend Sudnay visiting my bloggy friends! Lots of love across the sea and land to you, dear friend!
I only know this plant because we have them here too strangely in the Isle Of Man. I Psted on a few omnths back, not knowing at the time what is was. Gorgeous aren't they.
Mais goupillon est de plus en plus utilisé... est-ce à bon escient ?
J'envie ta photo, parce qu'avec mon appareil actuel, je ne peux plus jouer sur la profondeur de champ.
Et là, cela met vraiment la fleur en valeur.
Chauds les cœurs !
Le froid... commence !!!
Mais d'habitude on a un beau temps qui revient courant décembre.
A green"petit rat" with a red"tutu"
ET chère Nathalie
cette fleur callistemon c'est une très belle connection entre vos deux pays et vous et votre amie.
Vous êtes toujours si romantique Nathalie, je ne suis pas surprise qu'on parle de vous à Paris!
bonne journée.
je voulais dire entre vous et vos amis.
très joli composition !
Cette fleur Australienne!! va tres bien contre le Palais..
Beautiful Nathalie! Ours are flowering at the moment, much to the delight of our little honey eater birds. I must take some photos to show you. xx
Beautiful shot!
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Fantastic photo :)
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