C'est seulement deux fois par an pendant quelques semaines en mars et en octobre que le soleil se lève juste dans l'axe de la rue Bonneterie et éclaire cette façade exactement de profil, faisant ressortir tous les reliefs des volets et les aspérités du mur. Le reste de l'année le soleil se lève soit plus au nord (en été) et la façade est éclairée presque de face, soit plus au sud (l'hiver) et la façade ne voit pas le soleil de la journée. Comme vous le voyez j'ai essayé deux traitements très différents de photos presque identiques. Préférez-vous la version sépia ou la version naturelle, et pourquoi ?

OH my, I am number one! I love both. That said, I think I prefer the sepia. There isn't enough contrast in two, between the shutters and the walls so I think the sepa unifies it. This probably makes no sense to anyone else. On the other hand.... I think you notice more details in Number 2. Nathalie, what you have here is two fabulous photographs.
PS LOVE the shadows from the wire and the lamp!!
je préfère la première, avec le traitement, elle donne l'impression d'une ville fantôme.
Bonjour Nathalie !
Les deux sont jolies.
La première en sépia me rappellent de vieilles photos trouvées dans les armoires...
Mais la seconde, elle est jolie avec des couleurs bleutées...
Pas de préférence en fait !
J'aime bien les deux version mais quand avec une petite préférence pour la seconde en couleur. La vie en noir et blanc est tristounette sauf quand il s'agit de pinard ! Hic !!!
Non, non, rassure toi, je ne picole pas ! Je repensais au post d'hier.
La deuxième en fait pour les couleurs pastels .
N-I've pondered these photos for awhile and have decided that I like the sepia one better because to me it seems more "natural"--moreso than the natural photo. Can't explain it. The bottom photo feels more surreal than the top. Such odd reactions we sometimes have!!
I like the sepia photo because it draws attention to the shadows. I agree that there is not enough color in the faded blue shade of the shutters to make the color photo stand out. If the shutters were bright blue, however, it would look like someone just got back from a Greek Island like Mykonos and decided to paint the shutters.
Thank you for your comment on my Daily Photo site about the comment that I left on the Monaco Daily Photo site about the story of the broken angel champagne glass from Eze. I told the rest of the story in a comment I left today on the Monaco site and wanted to mention it to you here so you would be sure to see it.
I prefer the first one (sepia) because it's warm. Soft. In the second photo the light is harsher, making it appear "colder."
Both photos are great!
Je préfère la "bleue" qui semble plus proche de la réalité, l'autre me parait blafarde! Je préfère son cadrage, aussi...
I would say that the second has more interest than the first.
The unity of the composition is enhanced by the variety in the subtle colouring of the shutters.
There is more of the third dimension as a result.
A little bit of colour adds a lot of interest.
And you ask, why.....?
(Why do girls paint their toe-nails !!)
Porquoi-pas ?
Les réponses sont intéressantes comme quoi les perceptions sont bien personnelles. La première parle beaucoup mieux à mes yeux que la seconde qui me parait plus fade et moins naturelle.
Difficult because they are not the same photograph - or rather the photograph is cropped differently! The second one works as you see 6 windows although perhaps the contrast in colours isn't enough. The first one, in sepia, works for many reasons but mostly, for me, atmosphere and that wonderful shadow from the lamp.
I do like both but first choice would be the sepia. Best of all, perhaps I'd have used the second photo (6 windows) in sepia.
So hard to decide! I love the sepia, it has such a warm glow. I also like the natural photo, but as Jilly said, would love to see that in sepia as well :)
Normally I like sepia tones for almost any photo, but today the second one with the blueish shutters is more appealing. I think because it looks gentle to me and I need something to be gentle today! Can you tell I'm at work?
Bonjour Natalie! Both photos are beautiful & engaging I prefer, however, the 2nd, color, photo. I find the very subtle contrast of colors more interesting. The varying shades of "thickness" of the shadows cast by the shutters, which appear as a pale blue against the grey color of the walls draws me into the photo. Although sepia tones generally give off a warmer feeling, I find the sepia photo here, by comparison, more uniform and consequently less likely to "grab" my attention.
Thank you for bringing us something special from Avignon every day!
N, may I crop it so that I have the lamp and the two windows and then take one in each tone to swap for the mood each day and see if the guests notice?
To answer your question about how far Brookville is from Gordon -- it is about 14 miles. Not far.
I like your photos in this post.
La seconde, ai voté, j'aime ses couleurs nature et puis ma fille chérie vient de déménager rue Bonneterie, il va falloir que j'aille voir ton point de vue...
Ah ! ces ombres obliques sur lesquelles glissent nos solitudes...
Les deux mon capitaine. Dans les couleurs naturelles ta photo est d'un romantisme fou.
Nathalie please, the results in Frech and English. I tried to count but lost my way. They are both gorgeous any way you look at them.
PS I have narrowed down my wishes to 2 or 3!
I prefer the contrast of colours in the second. And I think the blue puts more emphasis on the lines. I think the sepia is more bland. Just my 2 cents.
I like the natural one, for some reason it seems to me to have greater depth.
I like the natural one better in this case because of the color difference between the shutters and the wall, which is not evident in the sepia version.
We have the same problem with our hair, it seems. I've been dyeing mine since I was thirty, when there was no other way to hide the white. Now I always struggle with the resulting dryness. Ah well…
La première a des couleurs plus chaudes
I choose the second one Nathalie. There's something restful about that pale baby blue and the uniformity of the windows. I like the shadow of the lamp too and ditto what MB said about colour adding interest.
I'm going for the first one because it looks like a French film from the '50s....any moment now Simone Signoret's clicking high heels are going to be heard on the pavement below....
What is in the frame is lovely in both, but I do like the warmth of the sepia one.
I love shutters. But imagine closing off that light!
Les deux images ont des couleurs froides ... mais le sepia fait ressortir plus le mystère et le silence ... mon choix donc.
Amusant exercice ...
The sepia, it has more of a timeless look. Both are beautiful, however.
la première photo pour moi c'est chaleureuse et ca représente nos rêve et la deuxième représente pour moi la butale nudité de l'existentialism.
l'art très puissant Nathalie!
bonne journée
Hmmm.. Let's see.. I'd say go with the Sepia treatment of the second shot (shows more of the building).
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