Sunday, 24 August 2014

Déjeuner à Coté Vignes

Lunch plate at Coté Vignes, a pleasant restaurant set among the vineyards just outside Beaumes-de-Venise on the road to Lafare.

Une belle assiette de déjeuner à Côté Vignes, un agréable restaurant situé dans les vignes (d'où son nom) à la sortie de Beaumes-de-Venise sur la route de Lafare. 


Bob Crowe said...

I am so looking forward to eating in France. The average quality is so much higher than here. For starters, Jilly has booked lunch for Thursday at Beausejour in Gorbio. We did the same two years ago and it was heaven.

Still trying to get in touch with you.

Jack said...

Bob might like that place, too.

William Kendall said...

That looks like quite a meal!

jeandler said...

Bigre ! L'eau à la bouche.

Anonymous said...

miam miam... nous aurions pu nous croiser !!! à bientôt nine

chri said...

Mmmm tout à l'air bien, bien frais! Merci de l'adresse, Nathalie.

Thérèse said...

Si joliment presente.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

What a meal!!

Judy said...

I have never seen cucumbers served this way before, and I think it is truly brilliant!!!

Nathalie H.D. said...

Judy these aren't cucumbers but raw zucchini stuffed with goat cheese and herbs and I must say it's a great way to serve them.

crederae said...

c'est seulement toi chere Nathalie qui peut decrire les dejeuners visuellement si artistiquement.
je t'embrasse.

claude said...

Ben dis donc, il faut avoir un appétit d'ogre.
Sympa cette assiette.


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