Friday, 22 August 2014

Tournesols à Sarrians

Sunflowers on the road to Sarrians. I pulled up by the side of the road and snapped.
This blog participates in Skywatch Friday, a community of bloggers who look up to the sky every Friday.

Sur la route de Sarrians je me suis arrêtée pour photographier les champs de tournesol et le Mont Ventoux. Je dédie cette photo à mon amie Nine qui aime tant son village est ses environs.
Ce blog participe à Skywatch Friday, une communauté de blogueurs qui lève les yeux au ciel tous les vendredis.


Jack said...

This is both lovely and creative, Nathalie.

William Kendall said...

Creative composition, and any look at the mountain is more than welcome!

chri said...

Toute en courbes! Superbes reflets!

claude said...

Nathalie, tu m'épates.
Magnifique compo , et les reflets de tournesols sur ta voiture, chapeau !

Thérèse said...

Ah si les tournesols pouvaient se mirer?

Bob Crowe said...

I like the contrast between the warm, natural field and the cold, hard car. The arcs lead your eye through the picture.

Did you get the email I sent you a few days ago? We will be in Nice on Tuesday and Aix the following Saturday.

Tilia said...

Fantastiques reflets, bravo Nathalie !

moni said...

Hello Nathalie,
WOW!!! That's amazing reflections, great work, beautiful picture!
Have a nice weekend,

Anonymous said...

Un grand merci... J'ai fait aussi des photos, mais à côté des tiennes je n'ose plus les regarder.... à bientôt et continue toujours de nous régaler.
Mille bisous

Louisette said...

C'est super, la couleur de ces champs, magnifique, un regal pour les yeux;Bon weekend.

Anonymous said...

Great composition!

Unknown said...

Cool perspective on a lovely scene.

Judy said...

What an interesting format to the image!!! I really like it!

cedarmerefarm said...

Wow, you are fabulously creative, Nathalie. I am going to read some of your old posts to see more of your creativity. Christa

Babzy.B said...

super cadrage :)


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