Pont d'Avignon
Yes it's
that bridge again, the
pont d'Avignon made famous by the song "Sur le pont d'Avignon, on y danse on y danse..." . Sunday afternoon is a great day to go for a walk on the promenade along the river bank. This couple stopped for a while to look at the ducks before resuming their walk.
Eh oui c'est encore lui, notre célèbre Pont d'Avignon. A défaut d'y danser, se promener sur les berges du Rhône en ce dimanche après-midi est toujours un grand plaisir. Ce jeune couple s'est arrêté un moment pour regarder les canards avant de reprendre son chemin...
je ne réalisais pas que la courbe était aussi belle
Elle renvoie à la courbe de l'arche.
Such a pretty bridge with the lovely reflexions. We often sing that song in our French Language classe ~on y danse on y danse~
Cette vielle a de jolies courbes, finalement...
Such graceful curves.
Beautiful pictures of a beautiful place.
Have a nice day.
Une ville ou une fille mais pas l'ombre d'une once d'une note de vielle à l'horizon!!!
Bonjour! Nathalie,
Ah! The bridge...Once again, what lovely photographs...this time of man/woman and nature in unison?
I like the fact, that the couple where just walking along and then stopped to be attuned with nature.
In this case, observing a group of ducks waddle in the water. I must admit that he seems to be much more interest in the ducks than his companion does.
Merci, for sharing!
DeeDee ;-D
It looks like such a beautiful day.
I'm going to Marseille on Wednesday for a couple of hours. Know of any photo op places other than the tourist track
Belle composition
toute de sérénité
So that's the bridge! I remember learning this song at the Alliance Francaise and wondered if it was real or imaginary.
la photo est prise depuis une montgolfière ?
Fardoise - depuis le pont Daladier bien sûr ! :-)
Fortunately the bridge is still there ... but fortunately there are also other bridges - for your photos and for crossing the Rhône! :-)
What a lovely spot and I'm puzzled as to why there is only the one couple enjoying it. I would think there would be many out on such a grand day.
Une bien belle harmonie de couleurs et de lignes !
J'ai cliqué sur Skywatch tant pis on est lundi :-) Un ciel nuageux est toujours fascinant à observer. Un bel éventail que celui-ci !!!
Gorgeous angle - sublime.
Menton Daily Photo
Monte Carlo Daily Photo
Il s'agit d'une excellente!
Great scene.
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