Monday 7 November 2011

Little red riding hood x 2

Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie, AvignonTwo little girls in red pose for their mother in front of the Chamber of Commerce.
The mother came to check the basin's depth first before leaving the girls alone on the ledge.

Deux petites filles en rouge posent pour leur maman au bord du bassin situé devant la Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie, cours Jean Jaurès. La maman est venue d'abord vérifier la profondeur du bassin avant de laisser les deux petites filles toutes seules sur le parapet.


Tilia said...

Ta virtuosité Nathalie, me met la tête à l'envers !

Owen said...

Had to stand on my head to see these properly... could be a fine contribution to James' Weekend Reflections... Very cute in red like that...

Bob Crowe said...

Damn. Our chamber of commerce doesn't look anything like this and the kids aren't half as cute. But there is something very Monet-ish in the light playing over the buildings.

Jilly said...

Beautiful light and reflections.

jeandler said...

Le palais des Glaces
un miroir sans fond
garder la tête à l'endroit

Anonymous said...

ah c'est magnifique, chère Nathalie, le jeu de lumière et j'ai aimé beaucoup bumpy ride c'est une magnifique abstraction qui définit la turbulence de la vie.

belle semaine magique.

PeterParis said...

Really sweet, the photos and the caring mother! :-)

Virginia said...

Oh look what I've missed! Well first the young girls with their rouge dresses. Marvelous revflection shots Nathalie.

The lady through the bus window, well I hope she made it safely to the other side. I am glad to read that was NOT rain on your camera lens!!!

The neon below is terrific and I've always wanted to know who to do that. And you got the lettering in focus! I need to come to Avignon for lessons!

chri said...

Miroir mon beau miroir dis nous laquelle est la plus belle...

Lautreje said...

j'aime comment tu nous fais perdre la tête !

Anonymous said...

these pics are beautiful

architecture, reflections, lovely girls

amazing shots, n

× × ×


CaT said...

what a cute girls and beautiful photos!

Kim said...

Ca vaut la peine d'avoir l'appareil en main n'importe quand et n'importe où!

Grenoble in Photos said...

Superbe avec les reflets !


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