Thursday, 14 April 2016

Bud break

Can you guess what plant this is? It's widely cultivated here.This period is called bud break - magical to watch if you take the time.

Devinerez-vous de quelle plante il s'agit ? Elle est très largement cultivée ici. A cette période on parle de débourrement, c'est magique quand on prend la peine de regarder de près.


William Kendall said...

No idea, but it is pretty!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful macro !

chri said...

Pas encore volutes mais toute veloutées...

Michel Benoit said...

I believe I'd never seen a flower of it...
Amazing, right?
An obvious leaf... a priori !
A hard life isn't it ?

Nathalie H.D. said...

Oui Chri, les volutes viendront après ;)

Nathalie H.D. said...

Allez, je donne la réponse, vous la trouverez si vous lisez les commentaires : c'est la vigne !

Nathalie H.D. said...

Well, here's the response if you care to read the comments: it's the vine. If you look closely you'll see a tiny embryo of grape bunch!

Helen said...

I thought it was grape vine but the pink on the opening leaves dissuaded me. Lovely.

JudithK said...

I have a grapevine, now with very tiny grapes. Next year, I will have to be quicker! Thank you.
Still so glad you are back.

Nathalie in Avignon said...

Judith, where do you live? I'd like to know since you say that your grapevine is ahead of ours.

Bob Crowe said...

Hmm. No, I don't know the plant but around here the title would refer some time for the local megabrew.


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